SLURP coffee experience – eGift card
Coffee Subscription Gifts, SLURP subscriptionsGive the SLURP subscription as a gift! The electronic gift card will be delivered right away either to your email address or straight to the recipient. The receiver of the gift card can make a subscription according to the value of the gift card. If you received a coffee gift card and would like to redeem it, start by clicking here. In case you want a physical gift card sent via post, select this product instead.From: 28,76€ -
SLURP original prepaid – gift
Gifts, SLURP subscriptionsSLURP coffee experience is a gift that delights long after gifting. Every two weeks, the recipient will get a new coffee from varying Finnish artisan coffee roastery, delivered fresh and straight to mail slot. Here's how to orderFrom: 28,76€- Make selections below. You can also buy a gift card (email or paper) that allows the recipient to make the choices herself.
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SLURP coffee experience – gift card
Coffee Subscription Gifts, SLURP subscriptionsGive the SLURP subscription as a gift! The gift card will be delivered by mail (only inside Finland). The receiver of the gift card can make a subscription according to the value of the gift card with a unique coupon code. If you received a coffee gift card and would like to redeem it, start by clicking here.From: 28,76€ -
El Salvador Dark
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Dark roast, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Roger's Coffee, Espresso roastEl Salvador Dark is an intense and rich dark roasted coffee. The flavor profile consists of caramel, nuts and hints of dark chocolate.From: 10,90€ -
El Salvador Medium
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Medium roast, Roger's Coffee, Espresso roastEl Salvador Medium is a clear and balanced medium roasted coffee. The flavor profile consists of caramel, nuts and hints of milk chocolate.From: 10,90€ -
Brazil Dark
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Coffee Experience coffees, Dark roast, Ground Coffee, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Roger's Coffee, Espresso roastCOFFEE OF THE MONTH
Brazil Dark Roast is a dark and strong coffee which has a nutty and intensive flavour. This is a coffee to stay awake and have a smile while enjoying it!10,90€–28,90€8,50€–23,50€ inc. VAT -
Gran Palomar – Dark
Artisan Coffee, Cafetoria Roastery, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Dark roast, Ground Coffee, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Organic coffee, Espresso roastGran Palomar is the crown jewel of Cafetoria Roastery. Coffee is grown in Peru by relatives of Cafetoria Roastery's founder. Sweet chocolate and nuts.From: 10,90€ -
Decaffeinated Swiss Water Organic
Artisan Coffee, Citrusy and light, Decaffeinated Coffee, Light-medium roast, Medium roast, Mokkamestarit, Organic coffeeDecaffeinated Swiss Water Mexico Organic is a Mexican organic coffee, and its caffeine has been removed using the Swiss Water method.From: 10,00€ -
Java Jampit Estate
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Dark roast, Ground Coffee, Inka Paahtimo, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Espresso roastJava Jampit Estate is a dark roasted, rich and soft coffee from Indonesia. In this coffee you can taste notes of dark chocolate.From: 11,90€ -
Colombia Dark
Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Dark roast, Ground Coffee, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Roger's Coffee, Espresso roastColombia Dark Roast is a pleasant dark coffee originated from Colombia. You can taste hints of berries, dark chocolate and hazelnut in this coffee.From: 10,90€ -
Ethiopia Genesis
Artisan Coffee, Cafetoria Roastery, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Dark roast, Ground Coffee, Organic coffee, Espresso roastThe chocolatey notes typical for Ethiopian coffee are combined with berry and floral notes in this organic coffee that also has a smooth character.From: 13,90€ -
Espresso Caramelo
Artisan Coffee, Cafetoria Roastery, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Dark roast, Ground Coffee, Organic coffee, Espresso roastEspresso Caramelo is a special espresso coffee with intensive and multifaceted caramel, toffee, milk chocolate and tropical fruit flavours.From: 12,90€ -
Peru Tunki
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Ground Coffee, Inka Paahtimo, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Light-medium roast, Medium roastPeru Tunki Microlot is a light-medium roasted, rich coffee from Peru. You can taste nuances of red berries, nuts and chocolate in this coffee.
Addis Abeba Organic
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Dark roast, Ground Coffee, Mokkamestarit, Organic coffee, Espresso roastAddis Abeba is a very dark roasted, high quality organic coffee from Ethiopia, Yirgacheffe. This coffee has flavours of currants and citrus fruits.From: 11,90€ -
Artisan Coffee, Cafetoria Roastery, Chocolaty and nutty, Decaffeinated Coffee, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Light roast, Organic coffeeThis decaf light roasted coffee has a taste of chocolate and carob-like sweetness. Lively but gentle acidity.From: 11,90€ -
Hario V60 filter papers 02 (100 pcs)
Hario, Hario V60, AccessoriesThe Hario filter papers are specially designed for the Hario V60. The package includes 100 02-sized filter papers.6,90€ inc. VAT -
Creme de Paris
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Ground Coffee, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Mokkamestarit, Very dark roast, Espresso roastCreme de Paris is a very dark roasted Colombian coffee. You can taste flavours of caramel and nuts in this rich coffee.From: 10,90€ -
Artisan Coffee, Coffee beans, Fruity and sweet, Ground Coffee, Light-medium roast, Nordic Coffee Company, Espresso roastThis year's Hanami is a smooth and round spring coffee with a touch of grapes, green apple and a grapefruit aftertaste.
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Dark roast, Nordic Coffee Company, Espresso roastThis espresso blend is for lovers of pure 100% Arabica coffee. It has a nice aftertaste and lingers pleasantly in the mouth. The main notes are smoky, dark chocolate with malty notes of sweet nuts in the background.
Gran Palomar – Light
Artisan Coffee, Cafetoria Roastery, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Coffee Experience coffees, Ground Coffee, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Light-medium roast, Organic coffeeGran Palomar light is grown high with the traditional methods from the Incas, in the region between the Andes and Amazon. It is harmonious and a combination of rich softness and refined sweetness.From: 10,90€ -
Artisan Coffee, Coffee Experience coffees, Dark roast, Nordic Coffee Company, Roasty and smoky, Espresso roastA really dark and smooth filter coffee for adult taste. Dark chocolate and smoky flavours dominate this blend. A filter coffee for every occasion.From: 10,90€ -
Artisan Coffee, Fruity and sweet, Medium roast, Nordic Coffee CompanyHelsinki captures the flavours of our capital city, the characteristic acidity and fruitiness of Finnish coffee and gives it its own atmosphere.
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Nordic Coffee CompanyThis coffee combines quality beans from areas with high respect for the craft of coffee, nature and the people there. Just like we treat our loved ones.From: 11,50€ -
Brazil Bourbon Estate
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Dark roast, Ground Coffee, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Mokkamestarit, Very dark roast, Espresso roastBrasil Yellow Bourbon is a very dark roasted coffee from Rainha farm. Pulped Natural processed coffee with flavour notes of wine, cacao and raw chocolate.From: 10,00€ -
Digital Precision Scale
AccessoriesPerfect coffee cannot be brewed without precise ratio between water and coffee. Therefore, it is paramount to always measure both the water and coffee with a scale. With Slurp's pocket-sized precision scale you can weigh the water and coffee with more precision and ease as ever before.17,90€ inc. VAT -
Earl Grey Excelsior
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Flavoured black teaEarl Grey Excelsior is a flavored black tea. It is one of the most famous mixed teas in the world. An English style, full, bergamot flavored tea mixture.6,90€ inc. VAT -
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Ground Coffee, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Light-medium roast, Mokkamestarit, Espresso roastFinlandia Coffee is a high -quality coffee mixture made especially for Finnish taste. This mixture consists of three high quality single-estate coffees.From: 10,20€ -
India Monsoon Malabar
Artisan Coffee, Coffee beans, Dark roast, Ground Coffee, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Pirkanmaan Paahtimo, Spicy and earthy, Espresso roastIndia Monsoon Malabar has a robust and intense flavour with a rich mouthfeel and a short aftertaste. This coffee works both as a filter coffee and as an espresso.From: 11,90€ -
Peru Amazonas
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Ground Coffee, Inka Paahtimo, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Medium roastPeru Amazonas has been medium roasted, which makes it balanced and sweet with a velvety mouthfeel. Notes of nuts and cinnamon.From: 11,90€ -
Aeropress Original
Best Sellers, Brewing productsDo you want to brew smaller quantities of extremely delicious coffee anywhere? The Aeropress is an unique brewing device that has risen to world fame due to producing a very pure and aromatic cup of coffee. With the Aeropress you can brew two cups of coffee in a single go so it's perfect for instance for smaller households.39,90€ inc. VAT -
Cafe Futuro Organic
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Ground Coffee, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Medium roast, Mokkamestarit, Organic coffee, Espresso roastCafe Futuro Organic is a middle -roasted, medium acidic coffee blend which consisting of organic Colombian and Brazilian coffees.From: 9,50€ -
The Champagne Black
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Flavoured black teaThe Champagne Black is a rich, bubbly black tea variety that is flavored with champagne grapes. Mixed in are pieces of strawberry, jasmine flower and cornflower petals.6,90€ inc. VAT -
Aeropress filter papers (350 pcs)
AccessoriesAeropress filter papers are Aerobie's own paper micro-filters for the renowned Aeropress. The package contains 350 round paper filters.6,90€ inc. VAT -
Decaffeinated organic coffee
Artisan Coffee, Dark roast, Decaffeinated Coffee, Organic coffee, Paahtimo Papu, Roasty and smoky, Espresso roastPaahtimo Papu's decaffeinated organic coffee is a chocolaty coffee that can be successfully brewed both as filter coffee and as a base for a cappucino.
Peru Yanesha
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Dark roast, Ground Coffee, Inka Paahtimo, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Espresso roastPeru Yanesha is an organic dark roasted coffee from Villa Rica in Central Peru. You can taste nuances of nuts and dark chocolate in this soft coffee.From: 11,90€ -
Quince Sloeberry
Teas, Théhuone, Flavoured black teaBlack, full-bodied tea spiced with hawthorn berries and quince fruit, with rose buds, rose petals and safflower flowers.6,90€ inc. VAT -
Daterra Sweet Collection
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Dark roast, Ground Coffee, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Mokkamestarit, Espresso roastDaterra Sweet Collection is a dark roasted blend from the Daterra farm in Brazil. You can taste caramel and nuts in this rich, low acidic coffee.From: 10,90€ -
Hario V60 Paper Filter 01
AccessoriesThe Hario V60 Paper Filter 01 are cone-shaped white paper filters for Hario's V60 size 01 pour-over brewers. Great for daily use.6,90€ inc. VAT -
Sumatra Mandheling – French roast
Artisan Coffee, Coffee beans, Ground Coffee, Inka Paahtimo, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Roasty and smoky, Very dark roast, Espresso roastSumatra Mandheling comes from the island of Sumatra. The volcanic environment and the traditional Gilling Basah -processing give the coffee it's characteristic low acidity and rich mouth feel. Intensive coffee that has nuances of spices and liquorice.From: 11,90€ -
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Dark roast, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Makea Coffee, Espresso roastLounge is a dark roast coffee with a robust taste including chocolate. This Makea Coffee's best seller is also an exceptional espresso.From: 10,90€ -
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Prettea disposable tea bags
Tea EquipmentPrettea t-quick M -package includes 100 handy disposable tea bags. The bags are easy to fill with loose tea.6,90€ inc. VAT -
Sumatra Mandheling
Artisan Coffee, Coffee beans, Dark roast, Ground Coffee, Inka Paahtimo, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Spicy and earthy, Espresso roastSumatra Mandheling comes from the island of Sumatra. Low acidity and rich mouth feel. You can taste spices and licorice in this dark roasted coffee.From: 11,90€ -
Artisan Coffee, Fruity and sweet, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Light roast, Makea Coffee, Espresso roastDisco is a light-roasted and sweet coffee with fruity acidity. Try it as black and surprise yourself with the clean aroma of the high-quality coffee.From: 10,90€ -
Gran Palomar – Espresso
Artisan Coffee, Cafetoria Roastery, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Dark roast, Ground Coffee, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Organic coffee, Espresso roastGran Palomar espresso is harmonious coffee with a combination of rich softness and refined sweetness.From: 11,90€ -
Artisan Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee, Fruity and sweet, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Makea Coffee, Espresso roastDecaffeinated coffee full of fresh flavours of fig and rhubarb. The Argelia farming community is located in the lush Cauca region of south-western Colombia.From: 10,90€ -
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Makea Coffee, Medium roast, Espresso roastClub is a medium roast, smooth coffee. Taste includes chocolate and sweetness, as an espresso slight fruity acidity as well.From: 10,90€ -
Honduras Marcala Natural
Artisan Coffee, Coffee beans, Fruity and sweet, Ground Coffee, Inka Paahtimo, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Light roastThis coffee is farmed by smallholders on the slopes of the Montecillos mountains, that have the perfect climate and soil for coffee farming. Honduras Marcala is a light and soft coffee.From: 11,90€ -
Organic Lavender
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Organic tea, Caffeine-free tea, Other tea varietiesThis calming tea relaxes, lowers blood pressure and triggers excitement. Fresh or dehydrated tea can be used internally as a soothing herb for insomnia, palpitations and headaches and it also helps with digestion.5,90€ inc. VAT -
Artisan Coffee, Café Nazca, Fruity and sweet, Light-medium roast, Medium roastThis Kenyan coffee tastes like dried fruit, fig and apricot. It's light-medium roasted and has an undertone of a full-bodied hazelnut.
Artisan Coffee, Nordic Coffee Company, Roasty and smoky, Espresso roastHabit is a classic North Italian espresso roast. The flavour is warm and full-bodied, with a hint of liquorice and dark chocolate.
Colombia Medium
Artisan Coffee, Coffee beans, Fruity and sweet, Ground Coffee, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Medium roast, Roger's CoffeeColombia Medium is a pleasant medium coffee originated from Colombia. You can taste hints of berries, chocolate and white wine in this coffee.From: 10,90€ -
Fig-Pomegranate Rooibos
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Rooibos tea, Caffeine-free teaFig Pomegranate is a rooibos tea, flavored with soft fig and fruity pomegranate. Also includes cranberry, pomegranate flowers and marigold petals.6,90€ inc. VAT -
Ethiopia Natural Benti Nenka
Artisan Coffee, Citrusy and light, Coffee beans, Ground Coffee, Inka Paahtimo, Light roastGuduba Wet Mill processes coffee from 589 smallholder farmers. This coffee with notes of lavender, blueberry and honey has a cupping score of 87.5.From: 12,90€ -
Mestarin Mokka Organic
Artisan Coffee, Coffee beans, Fruity and sweet, Ground Coffee, Light roast, Mokkamestarit, Organic coffee, Espresso roastMestarin Mokka Organic is a light roasted, soft and rich blend of three Arabica coffees. Mouthfeel is light, low -acidity.From: 9,50€ -
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Peru – Cepro Yanesha
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Dark roast, Medium roast, Medium-dark, Organic coffee, Paahtimo PapuPeru Cepro Yanesha is an organic, fair trade coffee. This soft medium roasted coffee has notes of chocolate, nuts and fudge with smooth aftertaste.
India Robusta
Artisan Coffee, Coffee beans, Ground Coffee, Inka Paahtimo, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Roasty and smoky, Very dark roast, Espresso roastIndia Robusta is a strong and rich coffee with nuances of chocolate and spices.From: 10,90€ -
Espresso blend
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Ground Coffee, Inka Paahtimo, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Espresso roastEspresso blend is a soft and rich coffee with nuances of chocolate and nuts.From: 10,90€ -
Earl Grey Blue Flower
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Flavoured black teaEarl Grey Blue Flower is a Chinese black tea flavored with a citrusy bergamot. This English classic gets its refined touch from cornflower and blue mallow petals. A soft and refined Earl Grey.6,90€ inc. VAT -
Decaffeinated black orange tea
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Flavoured black tea, Caffeine-free teaDecaffeinated black orange tea is a refined decaffeinated black tea flavored with juicy orange extract. Made from decaffeinated black tea, orange peel and orange blossoms.8,90€ inc. VAT -
Sencha Kura Shizuoka
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Green teaSencha Kura Shizuoka is a high class, sweetish sencha that gets its fruity aroma from the young sweet leaves. prepared with the Fukamashi-method using higher temperature to brakes the cells of the leaves, making the flavors more powerful.10,90€ inc. VAT -
Espresso Inferno 6 x 250g
Artisan Coffee, Coffee beans, Dark roast, French Press, Ground Coffee, Kaffa Roastery, Spicy and earthy, Espresso roastThe roast is dark, so dark that the flavour bursts through even the sweetest steamed milk. Enjoy earthy and full-bodied, nutty flavours in your cup. Order size: 6 x 250g62,90€ inc. VAT -
Espresso Super 6 x 250g
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, French Press, Ground Coffee, Kaffa Roastery, Medium roast, Espresso roastIf your milk carton should pick one coffee to take to a desert island. Always strong, always nutty. Instead of basic lattes, have super lattes. Order size: 6 x 250g62,90€ inc. VAT -
Lempeä Voima 6 x 250g
Artisan Coffee, Coffee beans, Fruity and sweet, Ground Coffee, Kaffa Roastery, Medium roastGentle twist without the scorching. Chocolate and velvet. Black or with milk. Ten soft push-ups? Anytime. Order size: 6 x 250g62,90€ inc. VAT -
Go’Morron 6 x 250g
Artisan Coffee, Citrusy and light, Coffee beans, Kaffa Roastery, Light roast, Light-medium roastGo'Morron is one of Kaffa's original coffees, and there's no end to its triumphant success. Some mornings you just have to have another cup. Order size: 6 x 250g62,90€ inc. VAT -
Herra Korppi 6 x 250g
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Dark roast, Kaffa Roastery, Espresso roastHerra Korppi - kick and depth, sweetness and richness in one package. For those who know, there are differences in tone even in black. Order size: 6 x 250g62,90€ inc. VAT -
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Brazil Organic
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Dark roast, Organic coffee, Paahtimo Papu, Espresso roastOlivar Araújo pioneered the production of organic coffee in the Espírito Santo region. This dark roast has a nutty aroma and a slightly sweet aftertaste.
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Brazil Decaf
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Decaffeinated Coffee, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Medium roast, Roger's CoffeeThis decaffeinated Brazilian coffee is a great choice for you who wants to enjoy a quality artisan coffee without caffeine. The coffee is medium roast, with decaffeination done using the Swiss water method, so no chemicals are used in the process. The creamy flavour profile has hints of hazelnut and cocoa.From: 10,90€ -
Guji Light
Abi Coffee, Artisan Coffee, Fruity and sweet, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Light roastGuji is pure, bright and rich with tastes of honey, lime and jasmine.From: 10,90€ -
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Dark roast, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Kirjalan KahvipaahtimoEthiopian dark roast coffee from Kirjalan Kahvipaahtimo, produced by small coffee farmers in the Yirgacheffe region. Jukola was the roastery's first coffee.From: 11,90€ -
Ethiopia Mustefa Abakeno
Artisan Coffee, Fruity and sweet, Inka Paahtimo, Light roast, Espresso roastEthiopia Mustefa Abakeno is a light roast Washed coffee with a taste of black tea, gooseberry and sweet lime.From: 12,90€ -
Decaffeinated green strawberry tea
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Flavoured green tea, Caffeine-free teaThe Decaffeinated green strawberry tea is a delicious green loose leaf tea with strawberry pieces and a natural strawberry extract.8,90€ inc. VAT -
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Hario Skerton Plus coffee grinder
Coffee grindersThe hand cranked Hario Skerton Plus coffee grinder makes an even grind on any level of coarseness you set. The mill is small and very easy to use.39,90€ inc. VAT -
India Robusta Washed
Artisan Coffee, Coffee beans, Dark roast, Ground Coffee, Mokkamestarit, Roasty and smoky, Espresso roastIndia Robusta Washed is a premium class dark roasted robusta coffee gives an espresso strength, softness and a magnificent crema.From: 9,50€ -
Tampere-sekoitus Organic
Artisan Coffee, Coffee beans, Fruity and sweet, Ground Coffee, Light roast, Mokkamestarit, Organic coffeeTampere-sekoitus Organic is a light roasted Fair Trade organic coffee. Apple and nuts in the aroma, balanced mouthfeel.From: 9,50€ -
Frank Green ceramic cup 475ml
Gifts, Tea Equipment, AccessoriesFrank Green ceramic cup is a spacious thermos cup with a stopper. Your drink retains its taste and temperature exactly as you like it - either cold or hot.37,90€ inc. VAT -
Joe Frex Tamping Mat S
AccessoriesThis Joe Frex solid silicone tamping mat is 3mm thick and will protect your worktop from unwanted damage. The silicone is food safe.7,90€ inc. VAT -
Peru Cecanor FTO Cafe Femenino
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Dark roast, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Mokkamestarit, Organic coffee, Espresso roastPeru Cecanor FTO Cafe Femenino is an organic and fair trade Café Femenino coffee from Peru. This high quality single origin dark roast coffee has a medium mild body.
Joe Frex Tamping Mat L
AccessoriesThis Joe Frex solid silicone tamping mat in size L is 5mm thick and will protect your worktop from unwanted damage. The silicone is food safe.12,90€ inc. VAT -
Joe Frex Knockbox Basic black
AccessoriesThis robust and attractive knockbox Basic made of hard plastic combines easy handling and problem-free cleaning with originality and stability.23,80€ inc. VAT -
Joe Frex hand grinder
Coffee grinders, AccessoriesConveniently sized hand coffee grinder made of stainless steel, with removable handle and adjustable grinding level. Enjoy fresh coffee everywhere!25,90€ inc. VAT -
Joe Frex Knockbox Metallic S
AccessoriesThis handy and practical knockbox is one of the most popular in its category. PVC insert is dishwasher safe and easy to keep clean.34,80€ inc. VAT -
Espresso 7
Artisan Coffee, Cafetoria Roastery, Coffee beans, Dark roast, Roasty and smoky, Espresso roastEspresso 7 is an authentic Italian espresso and part of the roastery's VIVA ITALIA range, which includes high-quality Italian-style espressos.From: 11,90€ -
Linden Blossom tea
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Caffeine-free tea, Other tea varietiesLinden Blossom tea is a soft, fresh, high-quality and refined flower tea. This decaffeinated herbal tea is healthy and fitting for having in the evening.6,90€ inc. VAT -
Sencha Lime Strawberry
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Flavoured green teaSencha Lime Strawberry is a green sencha flavored with strawberries and deliciously sour lime fruit. Perky and fresh flavors deliver the good vibes.6,90€ inc. VAT -
Organic Mimosa
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, White tea, Flavoured green teaOrganic Mimosa is a rich blend of white and green tea with flavors of yellow plum and raspberry.7,50€ inc. VAT -
Matcha-iri Karigane (Gyokuro Kukicha)
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, TeeMaa, Green teaKarigane is made of the stems of a gyokuro tea grown in the shade. A full-bodied and umami-rich tea with slightly roasted nuts feel.12,00€ inc. VAT -
Rooibos Pina Colada
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Rooibos tea, Caffeine-free teaRooibos Pina Colada is a decaffeinated and healthy South African red bush tea. It has been flavored with coconut chips, pineapple, papaya, cilantro and creamy pineapple-coconut rum extract.6,90€ inc. VAT -
Yirgacheffe Dark
Abi Coffee, Artisan Coffee, Dark roast, Fruity and sweet, Kahvikiitos: CoffeesYou can taste chocolate, brown sugar and blackberry in this dark roast Yirgacheffe. The coffee is available roasted light, medium and dark.From: 10,90€ -
Fresh Ginger
Teas, Théhuone, Caffeine-free tea, Other tea varietiesDecaffeinated, citrusy and fresh herbal tea with lemongrass, liquorice root, ginger, peppermint, lemon peel and black pepper.7,90€ inc. VAT -
Fancy Oolong
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Oolong tea, Teas, ThéhuoneFancy Oolong is a carefully produced oolong. It delights with its beautiful open leaves and its completely unoxidized buds. The tea is very elegant.8,90€ inc. VAT -
Marie Antoinette
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, White tea, Flavoured green teaMarie Antoinette is a delicious and fresh combination of green and white teas from China. Topped with rosebuds and raspberry.9,50€ inc. VAT -
Master Espresso
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Dark roast, Ground Coffee, Mokkamestarit, Espresso roastThis Espresso Master quality blend is 100% made of Arabica varieties. Soft and rich blend, in which one can taste flavours of rasberry, flower and caramel.From: 10,00€ -
Organic Ginger Lemongrass
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Organic tea, Caffeine-free tea, Other tea varietiesOrganic Ginger Lemongrass is a fresh and balanced herbal mix from lemongrass, ginger and a touch of licorice root.7,50€ inc. VAT -
Espresso Amigo
Artisan Coffee, Cafetoria Roastery, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Coffee Experience coffees, Dark roast, Ground Coffee, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Organic coffee, Espresso roastAmigo is a friendly and multifaceted espresso with high ethical principles supporting organic and fair trade as well as harmony with nature. Flavours in this coffee are chocolate, molasses, malt, almond, peach with a orange-like acidity.From: 11,90€ -
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Dark roast, Ground Coffee, Nordic Coffee CompanyHertsi is a way of honouring the roaster's neighbourhood of Herttoniemi. The main ingredients are naturally processed quality varieties from Brazil.
Thé Versailles
Teas, Théhuone, White teaIn a garden surrounded by yellow rose buds, enjoy this sweetly crisp white and green tea blend with hints of fresh pear.8,90€ inc. VAT -
Artisan Coffee, Citrusy and light, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Kirjalan Kahvipaahtimo, Medium roastDiscover fruitiness, citrus and peach notes in this medium-bodied, fresh coffee. Freshness is a characteristic of coffees from the Sidamo region.From: 11,90€ -
Jasmine Silver Needle
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, White teaJasmine Silver Needle is a refined and sweet white tea with a lingering taste. It combines the flavor of jasmine to White Hair Silver Needle tea.10,90€ inc. VAT -
Grapefruit Mango
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, White tea, Flavoured green tea, Other tea varietiesThe refreshing grapefruit, juicy mango and a hint of bergamot make the Grapefruit Mango green and white tea enticing and lightly citrusy.4,90€ inc. VAT -
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Espro Travel Press
French Press, Brewing productsThe busy and active lifestyle of our modern world often keeps us from enjoying a perfect cup of coffee in peace. Espro Travel Press is the solution to this problem — and not any solution, but the product of the year awarded by SCAA (Specialty Coffee Association of America)!42,90€ inc. VAT -
Brazil Espresso Sweet Collection
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Dark roast, Pirkanmaan PaahtimoAn intensive espresso, which blends the sweetness of dried fruit and balanced citrusy acidity. A creamy mouthfeel.From: 12,50€ -
Sariola decaf dark
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Dark roast, Decaffeinated Coffee, Kirjalan KahvipaahtimoDecaffeinated Colombian coffee from the Huila area. Available in light and dark roast, depending on your flavour preference! This dark roasted version has a strong chocolate flavour with dark red grape sweetness to spice up your cup.From: 11,90€ -
AccessoriesBamboo stick is a very useful aid in brewing coffee. It is designed to mix coffee grounds in a filter or other machine, such as a french press or Aeropress.3,50€ inc. VAT -
Clever Dripper Transluscent Brown + 100 filter papers
Brewing productsClever Coffee Dripper combines the best sides of both filter coffee and french press coffee. It makes brewing coffee unbelievably effortless.36,90€ inc. VAT -
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Colombia Organic
Artisan Coffee, Dark roast, Organic coffee, Paahtimo Papu, Spicy and earthyThis earthy dark roast, cooperative coffee has a very smooth acidity and a nice fruity taste.
Clever Dripper Transluscent Grey + 100 filter papers
Brewing productsClever Coffee Dripper combines the best sides of both filter coffee and french press coffee. It makes brewing coffee unbelievably effortless.36,90€ inc. VAT -
Clever Dripper Black + 100 filter papers
Brewing productsClever Coffee Dripper combines the best sides of both filter coffee and french press coffee. It makes brewing coffee unbelievably effortless.36,90€ inc. VAT -
Clever Dripper Red + 100 filter papers
Brewing productsClever Coffee Dripper combines the best sides of both filter coffee and french press coffee. It makes brewing coffee unbelievably effortless.36,90€ inc. VAT -
Clever Dripper Coral Red + 100 filter papers
Brewing productsClever Coffee Dripper combines the best sides of both filter coffee and french press coffee. It makes brewing coffee unbelievably effortless.36,90€ inc. VAT -
Sariola decaf light
Artisan Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee, Fruity and sweet, Kirjalan Kahvipaahtimo, Light roastDecaffeinated Colombian coffee from the Huila area. Available in light and dark roast, depending on your flavour preference! In the light roasted version you can find nougat, toffee, wild strawberry and nectarine sweetness.From: 11,90€ -
Nepal Masala Chiya
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Flavoured black teaNepal Masala Chai is a flavored black tea that has anise seeds, heather blossoms, cinnamon, ginger, clove, cardamom, coriander, black pepper and cumin seeds.6,90€ inc. VAT -
Masala Chai
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, TeeMaa, Flavoured black teaMasala Chai is an Indian blend of black tea and spices, which is excellent with milk or cream as a chai latte.7,50€ inc. VAT -
Vanilla Rooibos
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Rooibos tea, Organic tea, Caffeine-free teaVanilla Rooibos is a soft Rooibos tea that is flavored with pieces of bourbon vanilla and a hint of vanilla extract. A real treat for a fan of vanilla.7,50€ inc. VAT -
Artisan Coffee, Café Nazca, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Ground Coffee, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Medium roastLa Bolsa was founded in 1958 by Dr Jorge Vides. This Natural-processed coffee tastes of raisins, apricots and sweet, pleasantly bitter almonds.From: 12,90€ -
Thé Chamomile Relax
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Caffeine-free tea, Other tea varietiesRelaxing blend of herbal teas with chamomile, black currant leaves, heather flowers, lemon balm, marigold petals and peppermint.5,90€ inc. VAT -
Artisan Coffee, Citrusy and light, Kirjalan Kahvipaahtimo, Light roastThis sweet, light roast coffee, filtered into your cup, will give you a boost for the day with it's notes of jasmine flower, citrus and peach.From: 11,90€ -
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Honduras – Organic Comsa
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Dark roast, Organic coffee, Paahtimo Papu, Espresso roastOrganic Comsa is very soft coffee, with low acidity and a pleasant chocolate aroma. This espresso roast is ideal as a base for milk coffees.
Artisan Coffee, Café Nazca, Coffee beans, Fruity and sweet, Ground Coffee, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Medium roast, Espresso roastMono comes from El Salvador, from Mauricio Escalon's farm called La Esperanza. On the palate you will find berry, green apple acidity and citrus.From: 12,90€ -
Rooibos Organic Blueberry
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Rooibos tea, Organic tea, Caffeine-free teaRooibos Organic Blueberry is a fresh and fruity red bush tea with blueberries and flowers that will make you think of summer. Includes: rooibos, fennel, honeybush, cornflower petals and blueberry extract.7,50€ inc. VAT -
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Kirjalan Kahvipaahtimo, Medium roastPlum, walnut and dark chocolate combined in this Brazilian medium roast, full-bodied coffee offer a nice cup to suit any time of day.From: 10,90€ -
Brazil San Rafael
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Dark roast, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Pirkanmaan Paahtimo, Espresso roastThe coffee roast is dark and works well as both espresso and darker filter coffee. The mouthfeel of this nutty coffee is round.From: 10,50€ -
Korea Oolong
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Oolong tea, Teas, ThéhuoneKorea oolong is made from leaves that have been picked during the first week of May. This tea is soft and has a light toasty flavor.9,90€ inc. VAT -
Espresso Rey
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Ground Coffee, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Mokkamestarit, Espresso roastEspresso Rey is a dark roasted quality espresso blend. Rich and sweet blend, with flavor of black currants and chocolately aftertaste.From: 10,00€ -
Hario Coffee Cold Brew Bottle 65cl Cream
Brewing products, AccessoriesHario Coffee Cold Brew Bottle 65cl is a wine bottle shaped carafe which you can use for brewing cold brew coffee containing less tannin and caffeine.31,90€ inc. VAT -
Mexico Dark
Artisan Coffee, Roger's CoffeeMexican coffees offer original flavour combinations. You'll find dark chocolate and caramel with a hint of peach.From: 10,90€ -
Guatemala Medium
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Medium roast, Roger's CoffeeGuatemala is a pleasant medium roast coffee with a taste of chocolate and nutty notes. So here's a great coffee for you if you like a full-bodied medium roast!From: 10,90€ -
Hario Coffee Cold Brew Bottle 65cl Brown
Brewing products, AccessoriesHario Coffee Cold Brew Bottle 65cl is a wine bottle shaped carafe which you can use for brewing cold brew coffee containing less tannin and caffeine.31,90€ inc. VAT -
Jeanne D’Arc
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, White tea, Flavoured green teaJeanne D'Arc is a nuanced, fruity and fresh smelling mix of white and green tea that is made with dragon fruit and kiwi pieces among other things.8,30€ inc. VAT -
Milk Oolong
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Oolong tea, Teas, ThéhuoneMilk Oolong is a soft aromatic Chinese oolong tea variety. Made by steaming the tea with goats milk, which produces the refined vanilla softness of the tea.9,90€ inc. VAT -
Espro Press P3 Glass French Press
French Press, Brewing productsThe Espro Press P3 Glass Press is the best and most beautiful french press in the world. The press has two patented metallic filters and super durable glass.59,90€ inc. VAT -
Apricot Peach
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Flavoured black teaApricot Peach -tea is a rich tea blend flavored with apricot and peach and crowned with sunflower and malvaflower petals.7,90€ inc. VAT -
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Mexico – Organic Berilo
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Medium roast, Organic coffee, Paahtimo PapuOrganic medium roast coffee which is moderately acidic and smooth. Has flavours of fruits, nuts and chocolate biscuit in its aroma.
Hario V60 Drip Scale Black
AccessoriesHario V60 Drip Scale Black is a high-quality scale for brewing delicious coffee allowing for precise measurement of extraction quantity and extraction time.64,90€ inc. VAT -
Genmaicha Premium Shizuoka
Teas, Théhuone, Green teaGenmaicha is a traditional Japanese archaic tea with a mix of green sencha tea and roasted rice with a smooth, slightly nutty flavour.5,90€ inc. VAT -
Rasberry Rhubarb Rooibos
Théhuone, Rooibos tea, Caffeine-free teaA fruity and juicy rooibos tea, which delights with its fresh taste. Ingredients: rooibos, elderberry, coconut shavings, raspberry pieces, rose petals and rhubarb.8,90€ inc. VAT -
Yirgacheffe Medium
Abi Coffee, Artisan Coffee, Fruity and sweet, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Medium roastYou can taste the aroma of wine in Yirgacheffe as well as hints of berries and flowers. The coffee is available roasted light, medium and dark.From: 10,90€ -
Black Persimmon
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Flavoured black teaBlack Persimmon is a fruity and balanced black tea with persimmon.6,90€ inc. VAT -
Jasmine pearls Zhen Zhu
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Jasmine teaIn this tea, the finest leaf buds have been rolled into pearls and flavoured with jasmine flowers. A sweet tea, the flavour of fresh jasmine and the freshness of green tea.10,90€ inc. VAT -
Fujian Green Monkey
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Green teaFujian Green Monkey is a classic green tea from the Fujian province in China. The green tea is colored by the light buds. Has a soft, sweet flavor.8,90€ inc. VAT -
Orange chili rooibos
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Rooibos teaOrange chili rooibos is a spicy rooibos, flavored with red chili, orange cubes, sunflower petals and passion fruit extract.6,90€ inc. VAT -
Grandpa Special: Maple smoked yellow tea
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, TeeMaa, Yellow teaGrandpa Special: Maple smoked yellow tea is a unique tea, with a strong smoky fragrance, mild sweet taste and sweet aftertaste.7,60€ inc. VAT -
Sidamo Medium
Abi Coffee, Artisan Coffee, Fruity and sweet, Medium roastSidamo Medium is a citrusy coffee, which is exceptionally rich in taste.From: 10,90€ -
Organic Ginger-Lemon Bancha
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Flavoured green teaDelicious green bancha tea with bites of ginger and lemon beebrush. Smooth, fruity and fresh tea which has a low caffeine content.10,50€ inc. VAT -
Dragon’s Nest
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, TeeMaa, Flavoured black tea, Flavoured green teaDragon's Nest is a smoky, toasted, warming tea blend that will at least figuratively take you to sit by a charming fires blaze. This is a blend that really emphasizes the fire element with smoked black tea and toasted green tea combined with ginger in a magical, warming tea experience.6,50€ inc. VAT -
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Hario V60 size 02 White
Best Sellers, Hario V60, Brewing productsThe stunning Hario V60 is loved by coffee enthusiast around the world. A perfect tool to prepare delicious Pour Over coffee! Available in colorsWhite, Red, Pink, Turquoise, Matte Black.22,90€ inc. VAT -
Hario V60 02 Plastic Dripper Red
Hario V60, Brewing productsThe stunning Hario V60 is loved by coffee enthusiast around the world. A perfect tool to prepare delicious Pour Over coffee! Ceramic version also available in different colours. -
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Costa Rica La Ortiga
Artisan Coffee, Fruity and sweet, Inka Paahtimo, Light roastThis light roasted Costa Rican coffee is processed with a new natural thermal anaerobic fermentation, bringing out even deeper, more complex flavours. Taste notes include cinnamon, strawberry and fanta.
English Breakfast Tea
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Black teaEnglish Breakfast tea is charming, dark and rich flavored tea blend of Assam, Ceylon and Sumatra teas. This tea tastes also good with milk and sugar.7,50€ inc. VAT -
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Caffeine-free tea, Other tea varietiesPeppermint herbal tea is a refreshing experience with clean flavors. It is a naturally decaffeinated tea variety. Fits perfectly as a pick-me-up.3,90€ inc. VAT -
Hario Buono Pro Temperature Controlled Kettle
Hario, Tea Equipment, Water Boilers, AccessoriesThe Hario Buono electric kettle is an electric version of the iconic stainless steel Hario Buono water kettle. The Hario Buono electric kettle is an electric version of the iconic stainless steel Hario Buono water kettle. Perfect for making pour over and tea.183,90€ inc. VAT -
SLURP starter box
SamplesFreshly roasted specialty coffee. Delicious taste. Good for you and the planet. The starter box is a carefully selected assortment of coffees from around the world. The coffees are updated according to the seasons, with the aim of offering an excellent range from the elegant and berry-like notes of light roasts to the very dark and bold flavours. The SLURP starter box includes 4 x 60 g (240 g) of coffee, ranging from light to very dark.11,90€ inc. VAT -
Forest Berries
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Flavoured black teaForest Berries tea receives it's brilliant purple colour from the hues of midsummer. A soft black tea with berry flavours. Made with elderberries, blackberries and raspberry leaves and berries.7,50€ inc. VAT -
Vanilla Garden
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Flavoured green teaVanilla Garden combines green sencha and white hair silver needle tea. Flavored with jasmine flowers and strawberry bits covered in vanilla extract.6,90€ inc. VAT -
Sencha Sakura
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Flavoured green teaSencha Sakura is a Japanese cherry flavored green sencha tea. The cherry has a specific position in the Japanese culture.6,90€ inc. VAT -
Hario V60 02 Plastic Dripper White
Hario V60, Brewing productsThe stunning Hario V60 is loved by coffee enthusiast around the world. A perfect tool to prepare delicious Pour Over coffee! Ceramic version also available in different colours. -
Artisan Coffee, Café Nazca, Chocolaty and nutty, Dark roast, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Espresso roastThis dark roast coffee tastes of chocolate and nuts, typical of Brazilian coffee, and you'll also find the sweetness of raisins.From: 12,90€ -
Hario V60 size 02 Turquoise
Hario, Hario V60, Brewing productsThe stunning Hario V60 is loved by coffee enthusiast around the world. A perfect tool to prepare delicious Pour Over coffee! Available in colors White, Red, Pink, Turquoise, Matte Black. -
Sicilian Orange
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Flavoured green teaSicilian Orange is a fresh tea blend that seduces the mind to bright and sunny summer days.6,90€ inc. VAT -
Rose garden
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, TeeMaa, Flavoured black teaRose garden is a deliciously cocoa-like black tea blended with rose petals. What a charming combination! The wonderfully flowery flavour really suits the softness and sweetness of the Chinese black tea.9,00€ inc. VAT -
Cinnamon Apple
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, White tea, Flavoured green teaCinnamon Apple is a combination of a selection of green and white teas. Flavored with cinnamon and apple pieces. The flavor experience is very refined and you can taste the high quality.7,50€ inc. VAT -
Sesame Caramel
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Flavoured green teaSesame Caramel is a delicious green tea, flavored with nuts immersed in caramel as well as roasted almonds and sesame seeds.7,50€ inc. VAT -
Brazil Castanhas 5/5
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Dark roast, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, KahweBrazil Castanhas dark roast is a full-bodied Brazilian coffee with notes of chocolate.From: 12,90€Kahwe is on Christmas holiday 23.12.2024- 1.1.2025. Orders made by 11pm on Thursday 19.12. will be shipped before their vacation. After the holidays, the first shipping date is 3.1.2025. Posti delivery time is 2-4 business days in Finland. For international orders deliveries take few extra days, please check delivery information from FAQ.
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Hario V60 size 02 smokey green
Hario V60, Brewing productsThe stunning Hario V60 is loved by coffee enthusiast around the world. A perfect tool to prepare delicious Pour Over coffee! Other available colors are White, Red, Pink, Turquoise and Matte Black. -
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Hario Cold Brew Bottle 75cl Smokey Pink
Tea EquipmentThis wine bottle shaped Hario Cold Brew Bottle 75cl is a great tea maker. Fill with cold and tea leaves, put in the fridge for 3-6 hours and enjoy your delicious cold brew tea. -
Hario Cold Brew Bottle 75cl Red
Tea EquipmentThis wine bottle shaped Hario Cold Brew Bottle 75cl is a great tea maker. Fill with cold and tea leaves, put in the fridge for 3-6 hours and enjoy your delicious cold brew tea. -
Hario V60 size 02 yellow
Hario, Hario V60, Brewing productsThe stunning Hario V60 is loved by coffee enthusiast around the world. A perfect tool to prepare delicious Pour Over coffee! Other available colors are White, Red, Pink, Turquoise and Matte Black. -
Unsweetened Organic Cocoa
Café Nazca, Christmas, Gifts, Hot Chocolates, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Kahvikiitos: TeasUnsweetened organic cocoa from Café Nazca. Enjoy your winter day's hot chocolate full of flavour with this organic cocoa powder! Order size: 125g8,90€ inc. VAT -
Organic Vanilla Cocoa
Café Nazca, Christmas, Gifts, Hot Chocolates, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Kahvikiitos: TeasUnsweetened, vanilla-flavoured organic cocoa from Café Nazca. Enjoy your winter day's hot chocolate with this organic cocoa powder! Order size: 125g10,20€ inc. VAT -
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Honduras Ika Hau
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Kahwe, Medium roastPleasant and medium-bodied coffee. Dark chocolate, hazelnut, cane sugar and apple fruitiness in the taste.From: 12,90€ -
El Salvador Light
Artisan Coffee, Fruity and sweet, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Light roast, Roger's Coffee, Espresso roastEl Salvador Light is a clear and balanced light roasted coffee. The flavor profile consists of cherry, grapes and maple syrup sweetness.From: 10,90€ -
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Indonesian FTO – Sumatra Mandheling GR.1
Artisan Coffee, Organic coffee, Paahtimo Papu, Roasty and smoky, Very dark roast, Espresso roastVery dark roasted coffee from Indonesia with slight fruitiness and intense mouthfeel.From: 11,80€ -
Wilfa Coffee Grinder Svart Nymalt WSCG-2
Coffee grindersWilfa Coffee Grinder Svart Nymalt WSCG-2 is a high quality and reasonably priced electronic coffee grinder. The grinder provides 34 different grind levels.99,90€ inc. VAT -
Hario V60 size 02 Matte Black
Hario, Hario V60, Brewing productsThe stunning Hario V60 is loved by coffee enthusiast around the world. A perfect tool to prepare delicious Pour Over coffee! Available in colors White, Red, Pink, Turquoise, Matte Black. -
Hario V60 size 02 Pink
Best Sellers, Hario, Hario V60, Brewing products, AccessoriesNew color for the super popular V60 dripper!29,90€ inc. VAT -
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, TeeMaa, Caffeine-free teaRoselle, or hibiscus, is high in vitamin C. The infusion has a deep red color and it has a sour, cranberry-like taste.5,90€ inc. VAT -
Hario ChaCha Kyusu “Maru”
Hario, Tea EquipmentHario Cha Cha Kyusu "Maru" is a heatproof glass tea pot of the highest quality for loose leaf tea, made for easy use. -
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Hario Cold Brew Bottle 75cl Green
Tea EquipmentThis wine bottle shaped Hario Cold Brew Bottle 75cl is a great tea maker. Fill with cold and tea leaves, put in the fridge for 3-6 hours and enjoy your delicious cold brew tea. -
Hario Syphon filter paper
AccessoriesThe Hario Syphon filter papers come in a package of 100 pieces and are compatible with both the 03 and 05 size syphons.6,90€ inc. VAT -
Hario Syphon
Brewing productsThe Hario coffee syphon is modern take on the Japanese way of classically brewing coffee. Beautiful and handy in coffee brewing!From: 89,90€ -
Yerba Maté
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Other tea varietiesYerba Maté includes plenty of vitamins and minerals. Because of its high mateine content it helps you focus, it refreshes and reduces your appetite.5,90€ inc. VAT -
Organic Cinnamon Cocoa
Café Nazca, Christmas, Gifts, Hot ChocolatesUnsweetened, cinnamon-flavoured organic cocoa from Café Nazca. Enjoy your winter day's hot chocolate with this organic cocoa powder! Order size: 125g10,20€ inc. VAT -
Karigane (shaded kukicha)
Teas, TeeMaa, Green teaKarigane is the leaf stalks of shaded gyokuro material. Soft and full-bodied tea, which is a very delicious as an ice tea!8,90€ inc. VAT -
Ethiopia Medium
Artisan Coffee, Fruity and sweet, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Medium roast, Roger's CoffeeThis washed medium roasted Ethiopian coffee is pleasantly clean and bright. From this coffee, you can find hints of black tea, caramel and berry-like notes.From: 10,90€ -
Hario V60 Range Server size 02
Best Sellers, Hario, AccessoriesThe beautiful Hario V60 Range server is designed to go perfectly along with other Hario V60 products and you can brew coffee directly into it!29,90€ inc. VAT -
China Yunnan Golden Monkey
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Black teaChina Yunnan Golden Monkey on täyteläinen ja lämpimästi mausteinen tee. Yunnanin punaisesta maaperästä nousevien teepuiden auringon paahtamista teelehdistä on valmistettu hieno kiinalainen musta tee.9,90€ inc. VAT -
Oku – Kirishima
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Green teaOku - Kirishima is an emerald green, fragrant and flavorful sencha variety. It is produced in the volcanic Kirishima mountains almost completely surrounded by the ocean in southern Japan. Next harvests Oku-sencha resembles the Gyokoro variety in its fullness.8,70€ inc. VAT -
Jade Snow
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Théhuone, Green teaJade Snow is crisp and fresh Yunnan county green tea. This completely hand processed tea's flavor has some nuances of apricot.8,90€ inc. VAT -
SLURP premium Germany prepaid – gift
Gifts, SLURP subscriptionsSLURP premium Germany coffee experience is a gift that delights long after gifting. Every two weeks, the recipient will get a new coffee from varying German artisan coffee roastery, delivered fresh and straight to their mailbox. Here’s how to orderFrom: 39,56€- Make selections below to tailor the gift subscription.
- After proceeding to the checkout, start by entering your own information, following by the recipients delivery information.
- The first shipment comes automatically. You can ask for another start date in the Order Notes.
Caramel Groove
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Coffee Experience coffees, Ground Coffee, Makea Coffee, Medium roastNutty and chocolatey coffee with a velvety mouthfeel, delicate orange fruitiness and caramel sweetness.From: 10,90€ -
Espro Press filter paper 32 oz
AccessoriesEspro Press filter paper 32 oz is best suited for the 32 oz size Espro Press products (P7, P5 and P3). The package contains 100 filter paper15,90€ inc. VAT -
Golden Nepal
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Black teaGolden Nepal is a fine quality, softly aromatic leaf tea with a light, slightly smoky sweetness. Aroma has some spiciness.7,50€ inc. VAT -
Marrakesh thé
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Flavoured green teaMarrakesh thé is a Moroccan type mint tea. Chinese green Gunpowder tea combined with Moroccan Nana mint make for a refreshing, soft and aromatic drink.6,50€ inc. VAT -
Colombia La Pastora
Artisan Coffee, Inka PaahtimoThis fluity and jammy light roasted coffee Colombia La Pastora comes from ColombiaFrom: 12,90€ -
Yirgacheffe Light
Abi Coffee, Artisan Coffee, Fruity and sweet, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Light roastYou can taste the aroma of wine in Yirgacheffe as well as hints of berries and flowers. The coffee is available roasted light, medium and dark.From: 10,90€ -
Strawberries and Champagne
Café Nazca teas, Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Flavoured green teaFlavoured green tea which tastes like sparkling wine and strawberries! Includes chamomile and strawberries.4,90€ inc. VAT -
Bonavita Glass Tea Brewer
Tea Equipment, AccessoriesBonavita's elegant teapot with a separate glass sieve and lid. The pot has been made from clear, heat resistant glass, all parts are machine washable and easy to clean.28,90€ inc. VAT -
Margaret’s Hope
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Black teaMargaret's Hope is a favourite of the British people. Very aromatic, picked in just the right time of summer. The round, rich flavour of the tea is perfect for mornings.5,90€ inc. VAT -
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Luis Collazos
Artisan Coffee, Fruity and sweet, Kahwe, Medium roastAccompanied by soft acidity and fruitiness in this light roast coffee, you can find the flavour of cranberry and the refreshing fruitiness of grapefruit.From: 14,90€ -
Sidamo Light
Abi Coffee, Artisan Coffee, Fruity and sweet, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Light roastSidamo Light is a citrusy coffee, which is exceptionally rich in taste.From: 10,90€ -
Guji Medium
Abi Coffee, Artisan Coffee, Fruity and sweet, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Medium roastGuji is pure, bright and rich with tastes of honey, lime and cloudberry.From: 10,90€ -
Ginger Lemon Fresh
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, TeeMaa, Other tea varietiesGinger Lemon Fresh is a decaffeinated herbal blend with citrus freshness. The real ginger will not let you down! The liquorice root gives a vibrant sweetness without added sugar.6,50€ inc. VAT -
Gaba Oolong Fruity
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Oolong tea, Teas, TeeMaaGABA Oolong Fruity is extremely calming regardless of its full caffeine content. The flavour is rich and soft with excellent nuances.10,90€ inc. VAT -
Marigold Rooibos
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Rooibos tea, Caffeine-free teaMarigold Rooibos is a fine red bush tea with marigold petals from South Africa with a soft aroma. The tropical fruits and rhubarb are also a delicious addition. Excellent also as an ice tea.6,90€ inc. VAT -
Organic Darjeeling FF SEEYOK
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Black teaThis first harvest high quality Darjeeling variety has a unique scent and a balanced tartness.9,80€ inc. VAT -
Hario V60 Range Server size 01
Hario, AccessoriesThe beautiful Hario V60 Range server is designed to go perfectly along with other Hario V60 products and you can brew coffee directly into it! -
SLURP original coffee experience
SLURP subscriptionsThe SLURP coffee experience is a personalised coffee subscription service tailored to your taste. It offers coffee lovers a unique and personalised coffee drinking experience by providing a wide range of high quality, freshly roasted coffees from different roasters every two weeks, delivered directly to your inbox. We work in partnership with over 20 Finnish roasters and have been delivering coffee experiences for over ten years!From: 10,89€- All coffees are curated to your choice from Finnish small roasters. All you have to do is choose whether you want light, medium or dark roast coffee, how you prepare your coffee and whether it is delivered as beans or ground.
- You will receive a new coffee with each delivery. And you're supporting sustainable coffee production. All coffees arrive fresh from the roaster directly to your mailbox.
- There is no commitment to the service and you can change your preferences at any time and manage your order through your SLURP account or by contacting us.
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Brazil Santa Cecilia
Artisan Coffee, Citrusy and light, Coffee beans, Kahwe, Light roastThis light roast coffee offers flavour of citrus fruit, vanilla and cane sugar and is farmed in Cerrado, Brazil.From: 12,90€ -
Guji Dark
Abi Coffee, Artisan Coffee, Dark roast, Fruity and sweet, Kahvikiitos: CoffeesGuji is pure, bright and rich with tastes of honey, chocolate and peach.From: 10,90€ -
En Shi Yu Lu Organic
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Green teaEn Shi Yu Lu Organic is a green organic tea from the Hubei province. It delights with its fine green color and its mild, sweetish character. It is produced with a special steaming and toasting method.5,90€ inc. VAT -
China Lychee
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Flavoured black teaChina Lychee has the decadent flavour of the lychee fruit. A traditional Chinese black tea, flavoured with lychee. Tastes sweet.6,50€ inc. VAT -
Jasmine Organic
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Flavoured green tea, Jasmine teaJasmine Organic is a high quality green tea flavored with jasmine leaves. A perky, Chinese delicacy tea for every moment.9,50€ inc. VAT -
China Pu’Erh Lemon
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Pu Erh tea (Fermented tea)China Pu'Erh Lemon is a healthy Pu'Ehr tea flavored with lemongrass and pieces of lemon. fresh delicacy for anyone who loves lemon.7,90€ inc. VAT -
Organic Orange Garden
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, White teaThis smooth citrusy white tea brings you under the orange trees in sunny gardens of Mediterranean Sea. White tea with flowers of orange, orange peel and bergamot.8,00€ inc. VAT -
Yaeyama Matcha Ceremonial Grade
Teas, TeeMaaYaeyama Matcha Ceremonial Grade is a delicious matcha with almost none bitterness or astringency. It is the softest matcha in TeeMaa's ceremonial grade matcha selection.28,00€ inc. VAT -
Hario Buono kettle
Tea Equipment, Water Boilers, AccessoriesThe Hario Buono kettle is a stainless steel water kettle, which is a necessity for any fan of pour over coffee. The kettle is designed and manufactured in Japan with keen attention to every detail.50,90€ inc. VAT -
Jasmine Silver Sickle
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Jasmine teaJasmine Silver Sickle is a first class tea, produced from the white buds of the early spring and is perfumed eight times with jasmine flowers.11,90€ inc. VAT -
Aloe Vera Ginseng Green
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Other tea varietiesAloe Vera Ginseng Green is a cleansing, refreshing and energizing green herbal tea. Made with green maté, licorice root, cinnamon, fennel etc.6,20€ inc. VAT -
Pear Passion
Teas, Théhuone, Flavoured green teaTaste a touch of ginger, pear, passion fruit and apple in this fresh and fruity green tea for the relaxing moments of your day.7,90€ inc. VAT -
Barista Hustle Precision Milk Pitcher 400ml
AccessoriesBarista Hustle Precision Milk Pitcher has perfect spout and handle alignment and it is meticulously aligned in all directions down to the millimeter. At the same time, its durability withstands constant use behind bar. Polished Steel has a glossy silver finish.49,90€ inc. VAT -
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, TeeMaa, Other tea varietiesHigh quality German chamomile flowers, made into a poultice that is decaffeinated and hence can be drunk late into the night.4,50€ inc. VAT -
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Hario V60 size 01 White
Hario V60, Brewing productsThe stunning Hario V60 is loved by coffee enthusiast around the world. A perfect tool to prepare delicious Pour Over coffee! Since this dripper gives you definite control over how to brew, the V60 can also be a challenging and satisfying dripper for an experienced barista. -
Emperor of Pu’Erh
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Pu Erh tea (Fermented tea)Emperor of Pu'Erh is a first class Pu'Erh -tea. Refined, velvety aftertaste that lasts long. Multiple steeping is possible.7,50€ inc. VAT -
Sencha 8
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Flavoured green teaSencha 8 is a delicious flavored green tea. It is flavored with genmaicha, cranberry, red and yellow rose buds, rose petals and chrysanthemum flowers.6,50€ inc. VAT -
Nuwara Eliya O.P.
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Black teaNuwara Eliya O.P. is a black tea from Ceylon. It is a aromatic, refreshing, high quality tea with a soft and delicious aftertaste.7,80€ inc. VAT -
SLURP premium Germany single coffee
Artisan Coffee, Coffee beans, Gifts, Ground Coffee, SLURP premiumYou can now discover the SLURP premium Germany service by ordering a single coffee! Just choose the order size, roast level and grind of your order.From: 16,89€The next SLURP premium Germany coffee experience #134 orders are sent to the roasters on 24.3.2025. Ordering by 23.3., your coffee will be roasted and shipped in the next delivery.
Pu’Erh Fresh Lime
Teas, Théhuone, Pu Erh tea (Fermented tea)A strong black tea refreshed with orange pieces and lime.9,20€ inc. VAT -
Créme Caramel
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Flavoured black teaCremé Caramel is a sweet and a little bit spicy, creamy black tea blend. Like a French dessert: black tea from China and Ceylon, flavored with caramel, cocoa bean and vanilla pieces.7,90€ inc. VAT -
Ethiopia Light
Artisan Coffee, Fruity and sweet, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Light roast, Roger's CoffeeThis washed light roast Ethiopian Sidamo coffee is pleasantly clean and bright. From this coffee, you can find hints of black tea, caramel and fruity notes.From: 11,90€ -
Wilfa SVART Uniform WSFB-100S coffee grinder
Coffee grindersWilfa SVART Uniform grinds beans accurately to a suitable grind for a french press as well as filter coffee, pot coffee and espresso299,00€ inc. VAT -
Saint Anthony Page Brewer
Brewing products, AccessoriesThe Saint Anthony Page Brewer is a hand crafted dual wall insulated 70 degree glass brewer & server, that works well with the Saint Anthony Perfect Paper Filters. Optionally, the brew column serves as a filter. -
Kukicha Premium Shizuoka
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Green teaA gentle Japanese kukicha, that is made from the veins and stalks of the tea leaf. A fresh, sweetish and cleansing, low caffeine tea variety, that is high in amino acids.7,90€ inc. VAT -
Cranberry Forest
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Flavoured green teaThe freshness of cranberries combined with the gentle sweetness of raspberries gives this green sencha tea a unique and soft flavour. Made with Japanese green tea, cranberries, raspberries and rose petals.7,50€ inc. VAT -
Tai Ping Hou Kui
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Green teaTai Ping Hou Kui is one of the most beautiful green tea varieties in China. Grows in the yellow mountains of Huangshan and has long and thin leaves.10,90€ inc. VAT -
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Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Kirjalan Kahvipaahtimo, Medium roastKalervo is the newest addition to Kirjala's coffee family. This Brazilian medium roast offers a balanced cup with chocolatey notes.From: 10,90€ -
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Wilfa SVART Format electric kettle WSDK-2000B Steel
Tea Equipment, Water BoilersWilfa SVART Format electric kettle WSDK-2000B Steel is a minimalistic and stylish water kettle which allows you to choose the right temperature for your tea.119,00€ inc. VAT -
Hario V60 Metal Drip Scale
AccessoriesHario V60 Metal Drip Scale is an exquisite coffee drip scale from Hario with more durability and user-friendly functions.94,90€ inc. VAT -
Mengding Mao Jian
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Green teaMengding Mao Jian. This green tea comes from the Mengding mountain. The flavour is fruity and it has a long aftertaste.7,90€ inc. VAT -
Gentlemans’s tea G.F.B.O.P.
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Black teaGentlemans's tea G.F.B.O.P. is a dark and rich tea variety, best enjoyed in the morning.4,90€ inc. VAT -
Moonlight white
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, White tea, TeeMaaIn the nature of Yunnan, there is also wonderful and a different kind of white tea. Moonlight White tastes warm and rich, fruity and wood nuances.5,90€ inc. VAT -
Rooibos Supergrade
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, TeeMaa, Rooibos teaRooibos Supergrade is a gentle herbal drink without stimulants. It is wonderful both on its own as well as with a bit of milk.7,50€ inc. VAT -
Toasted Maté
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Other tea varietiesToasted Maté is a refreshing maté with minerals and mateine. It is toasted to deliciousness. The aroma has a nuance of cocoa bean and the flavor is soft and dark.5,90€ inc. VAT -
Yellow Needle
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Yellow teaYellow Needle tea is made from long pale yellow and silver buds that haven't opened. The flavor has a hint of melon and a bit of chocolate. The typical Yunnan county flavors are skillfully combined in this unique, soft flavored tea variety.8,90€ inc. VAT -
Ceylon Peach
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Flavoured black teaA rich and nuanced Ceylon tea with colourful flower petals, with a charming peach scent. Made with black tea, sunflower, rose petals, safflowers and cornflowers.7,50€ inc. VAT -
Chamomile Organic
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Caffeine-free tea, Other tea varietiesChamomile Organic is a herbal tea that helps with headaches, throat inflammation and digestion issues. It also improves immunity. Chamomile relaxes the mind and is a wonderful drink for insomnia.9,50€ inc. VAT -
Jade Dongding
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Oolong tea, Teas, ThéhuoneJade Dongding is a lightly oxidized oolong tea, with a juicy, sweetish flavor. This tea variety has a long and renowed history. Very high quality.8,90€ inc. VAT -
Huang Xiao Cha
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Yellow teaThe history of the Huang Xiao Cha yellow tea goes all the way to the Ming- and Qing-dynasties. This yellow tea has a pleasant toasty and sweetish aroma.6,90€ inc. VAT -
Ethiopia Suke Quto 2/5
Artisan Coffee, Citrusy and light, Coffee beans, Coffee Experience coffees, Light-medium roast, Mokkamestarit, Organic coffeeFind chocolate, citrus and floral rose aromas in this organic light-medium roast.From: 10,90€ -
Guatemala Light
Artisan Coffee, Coffee beans, Fruity and sweet, Ground Coffee, Light roast, Roger's CoffeeThis coffee is produced by several farmers supplying the Fedecocagua Cooperative. The flavour has a light spiciness and berries with a hint of chocolate.From: 10,90€ -
Colombia Light
Artisan Coffee, Fruity and sweet, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Light roast, Roger's CoffeeColombia Light is a pleasant light roast coffee originated from Colombia. You can taste blackberry, chocolate and red currant.From: 10,90€ -
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Hario Buono Kettle Matt Black
Tea Equipment, Water Boilers, AccessoriesEvery coffee artist's favourite Hario Buono V60 Kettle in matt black! The Hario Buono V60 Kettle is used by Baristas worldwide.59,90€ inc. VAT -
Milk Oolong
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Oolong tea, Teas, TeeMaaMilk Oolong is a delicious oolong tea that has been flavoured by steaming milk, giving it its amazingly milky flavour. As a wonderful contrast, the tea is very gentle and fresh.8,50€ inc. VAT -
Lu’an Gaupian Organic
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Green teaA fine Ming- and Ping- era tea from the Anhui county. Guapian stands for melon seeds referring to the teas exceptional looks. This tea is said to improve vision and helping with insomnia. Soft flower-y and strong.5,90€ inc. VAT -
Chai Kali Black
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Flavoured black teaBlack tea, flavoured with anise seeds, cinnamon pieces, rooibos, clove, pepper and chickory.6,90€ inc. VAT -
Wu Yi Shui Xian
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Oolong tea, Teas, Théhuone, Organic teaWu Yi Shui Xian is a naturally cultivated tea variety with a strong and mineral-like flavor. Its big, dark, rolled leaves are from the home of the famous oolong-varieties Wu Yi in the Fujian province in China.8,30€ inc. VAT -
Mexico Las Chicharras
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Dark roast, Inka Paahtimo, Kahvikiitos: CoffeesLas Chicharras plantation is owned by E-Café, a private, independent, non-profit organisation with social policy objectives.From: 11,90€ -
Secret Organic
Gifts, Paahtimo Papu, Paahtimo Papu teas, Teas, Flavoured green tea, Organic teaSecret Organic Tea spiced with strawberry, lavender and chili.
Spirit of August
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, TeeMaa, Black teaBlack tea with subtle flavor of fresh roses and caramel-like sweetness.8,00€ inc. VAT -
Barista Hustle Precision Milk Pitcher 600ml
AccessoriesBarista Hustle Precision Milk Pitcher has perfect spout and handle alignment and it is meticulously aligned in all directions down to the millimeter. At the same time, its durability withstands constant use behind bar. Polished Steel has a glossy silver finish.59,50€ inc. VAT -
Gentle Wind
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, TeeMaa, Other tea varietiesGentle Wind is a very gentle and mouth-watering tea. When drinking the tea, it feels like a warm breeze caresses your face.8,50€ inc. VAT -
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, TeeMaa, Other tea varietiesLavender is an extremely popular floral herb in China. This herbal tea is aromatic and charming with a hint of sweetness in the flavour.5,00€ inc. VAT -
Saint Anthony Filibuster Decanter
AccessoriesThe Saint Anthony Filibuster Decanter is a beautifully hand crafted dual-wall insulated glass decanter. Its dual-wall structure keeps your drink hot and the handy glass lids keeps the heat from escaping.38,90€ inc. VAT -
Green Carambola
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Flavoured green teaThe softness of Carambola completed with orange flakes gives this green tea its signature tropical sweetness. Made with green tea, mango pieces, orange peel pieces, cooled carambola pieces and safflowers.7,50€ inc. VAT -
Blueberry Pomegrenate
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Flavoured green teaCharmingly sweet and fruity green tea blend with Goji-berries from the slopes of Tibet: green tea, goji-berries, lemongrass, pomegranate seeds, cornflower petals and aroma.8,90€ inc. VAT -
Bancha Premium 5 Star
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Green teaBancha Premium 5 Star is a late picked tea variety. The antioxidant-rich and low caffeine tea can be enjoyed at any time of the day.7,20€ inc. VAT -
Costa Rica La Pastora
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Medium roast, Pirkanmaan PaahtimoThis Costa Rican coffee is quite strong and rich in character. Almond and chocolate combine with a maple syrupy richness.From: 12,50€ -
Cactus Green
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Flavoured green teaA fresh, sweet and refreshing green tea with green sencha, fig, aloe vera, kombucha, sandalwood and orange blossom.6,90€ inc. VAT -
Brazil Medium
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Medium roast, Roger's CoffeeIn this medium roast coffee produced in the Cabo Verde region, you can find the typical chocolaty tones, as well as marshmallow sweetness, nougat and orange.From: 10,90€ -
Sidamo Dark
Abi Coffee, Artisan Coffee, Dark roast, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Spicy and earthySidamo Dark is a citrusy coffee, which is exceptionally rich in taste.From: 10,90€ -
Vanilla Rooibos
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, TeeMaa, Rooibos teaReal vanilla pieces give this unscented rooibos tea a subtle and spiced hue.7,50€ inc. VAT -
Hario V60 size 01 Red
Hario, Hario V60, Brewing productsThis Hario V60 size 01, made with the finest porcelain, is one of the basic drippers you find in the coffee equipment market. Since this dripper gives you definite control over how to brew, the V60 can also be a challenging and satisfying dripper for a pro barista. -
Bialetti Venus Mocha Pot 4 cups
Moka Pot, Brewing productsAre you a friend of mocha coffee? This style of coffee resembles espresso with its stronger, more intensive flavour that is simply brewed over a stove top.46,90€ inc. VAT -
Artisan Coffee, Coffee beans, Ground Coffee, Kirjalan Kahvipaahtimo, Roasty and smoky, Very dark roastThis coffee is for you if you like soft, roasty flavours and are looking for a coffee with a strong flavour. Really dark, even darker, extra dark roast!From: 12,00€ -
Artisan Coffee, Café Nazca, Coffee beans, Fruity and sweet, Ground Coffee, Medium roast, Organic coffeeCoffee grows in the Sidamo region of Ethiopia in a nature reserve and this one has a bright mouthfeel with fruity sweetness.From: 12,90€ -
Kunnon Kahvi
Artisan Coffee, Coffee beans, Coffee Experience coffees, Ground Coffee, Makea Coffee, Roasty and smoky, Very dark roast, Espresso roastCoffee produced by the Regiao Cerrado Mineiro Designation of Origin farming community. The coffee is a rich, mellow blend, taken to the level of a French roast.From: 10,90€ -
Boledu Halo Beriti
Artisan Coffee, Citrusy and light, Coffee beans, Ground Coffee, Kirjalan Kahvipaahtimo, Light roastAbyote Ageze and Mebrahtu Aynalem, owners of the Boledu Coffee Growers' Association, bring together top-quality coffees from a number of smallholders in the area.From: 12,00€ -
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Brazil Cerrado 3/5
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Kahwe, Medium roastThis balanced medium roast comes from Brazil, from southwestern area of Minas Gerais, a notable coffee region called Cerrado.From: 11,50€ -
Jura Milk System Cleaner Mini Tabs – Refill Pack
Cleaning equipment, AccessoriesPlease note that this product can only be shipped to a Finnish address Jura Milk System Cleaner Mini Tabs Refill Pack - Together with an automatic cleaning programme, they effectively remove milk fats and proteins.35,90€ inc. VAT -
Jura Milk System Cleaner Mini Tabs
Cleaning equipment, AccessoriesPlease note that this product can only be shipped to a Finnish address Jura Milk System Cleaner Mini Tabs - Together with an automatic cleaning programme, they effectively remove milk fats and proteins.38,60€ inc. VAT -
White Mango Passion
Teas, Théhuone, White teaA fruity organic white tea, refreshed by the sunny notes of marigold petals.9,90€ inc. VAT -
Guatemala Lomas Altas Decaf
Artisan Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee, Medium roast, Pirkanmaan Paahtimo, Spicy and earthyThis decaffeinated coffee, with peachy notes, is mainly roasted for filter methods but it also works well as an espresso.From: 11,90€ -
Jura 2-phase cleaning tablets 25pcs
Cleaning equipment, AccessoriesPlease note that this product can only be shipped to a Finnish address Jura's 2-phase cleaning tablets for effective cleaning and long-lasting protection.42,90€ inc. VAT -
Wilfa Temp Water Kettle WKD2200S
Tea Equipment, Water BoilersWilfa Temp is a powerful 2200W water kettle with 1,7 litre capacity and with selectable temperature setting allowing you to brew perfect coffee or tea.49,90€ inc. VAT -
Organic Pai Mu Tan
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, White teaOrganic Pai Mu Tan “White Peony” Baimudan, is a Chinese white tea from the province of Fujian.5,90€ inc. VAT -
Saint Anthony Phoenix70
Brewing productsIn the minimalistic Phoenix70, the paper filter is supported by 2 rings in a 70 degree angle, ensuring a stable and continuous flow rate. This helps produce a clear cup with high level of extraction.59,00€ inc. VAT -
Bonavita Gooseneck Kettle
Tea Equipment, Water Boilers, AccessoriesBonavita Gooseneck Kettle is an excellent kettle. It has a long and slim beak, which allows you to pour hot water into a filter with utmost precision.54,90€ inc. VAT -
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Flavoured green teaKyoto is a Japanese organically farmed sencha, green tea, combined with organically grown rose petals from Portugal.6,90€ inc. VAT -
Sencha Wild Grey
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Flavoured green teaSencha Wild Grey is a Chinese green sencha flavored with fine and fresh bergamot. A fresh citrus-y tea.7,50€ inc. VAT -
Cuba Serrano Superior
Artisan Coffee, Dark roast, Mokkamestarit, Roasty and smoky, Espresso roastCuba Serrano Superior grows on the mountains of La Sierra Maestra in eastern Cuba and its old fashioned wood-burning process brings it a smoky flavour.From: 10,00€ -
Fellow Ode Brew coffee grinder v1.1
Coffee grindersA powerful and precise home coffee grinder with café capabilities, Ode was designed to perfect your daily brewed coffee.329,00€ inc. VAT -
Jura Claris Pro Smart water filter 4-pack
Cleaning equipment, AccessoriesPlease note that this product can only be shipped to a Finnish address Jura Claris Pro Smart water filter 4-pack for GIGA X8, X8, X6, WE6, WE8 machines.164,90€ inc. VAT -
Ginger Baker Organic
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Paahtimo Papu teas, Teas, Flavoured green tea, Organic teaGinger Baker Organic is a fresh blend of green China Sencha tea, ginger, lemon and lemongrass.5,60€ inc. VAT -
Chicken Farm Hen Guizhou
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, TeeMaa, Black teaA very soft and thick black tea with a floral aroma.10,00€ inc. VAT -
Karigane Kagoshima (Gyokuro Kukicha)
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, TeeMaa, Green teaKarigane is made of the stems of a gyokuro tea grown in the shade. Soft and full-bodied tea with a touch of dry hay.8,00€ inc. VAT -
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, TeeMaa, Other tea varietiesRosebud includes dried, whole rosebuds, that can be infused on their own or mixed with tea.6,50€ inc. VAT -
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Oolong tea, Teas, TeeMaaEverspring is rolled into balls and a lightly fermented oolong. This Everspring has a light and sweet flowery taste which brings spring vividly to mind.9,50€ inc. VAT -
Chemex Classic Handle
Brewing productsThe Chemex Classic Handle is the same beautiful hourglass carafe as classic Chemex series, but with a sturdy handle. -
Indonesia Pegasing CM
Artisan Coffee, Fruity and sweet, Light roast, MokkamestaritNatural carbonic maceration coffee from Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia. This speciality brings a bright acidity and a lingering sweetness accompanied by fruity notes.From: 15,80€ -
Artisan Coffee, Cafetoria Roastery, Organic coffee, Roasty and smoky, Very dark roastThe midnight dark level requires skill. Cafetoria Roastery's truly dark roast Napoleon is skillfully roasted with a selection of specific coffees that release intriguing aromas and sweetness at the french roast level.From: 11,90€ -
India Monsoon Malabar
Artisan Coffee, Dark roast, Inka Paahtimo, Kahvikiitos: Coffees, Spicy and earthyInka Paahtimo's India Monsoon Malabar comes from several farmers from Chikmagalur district that is located in Karnataka state South West part of India.From: 11,90€ -
SLURP compact
Product SetsThe SLURP compact includes an Aeropress for home and travel, as well as a digital scale for brewing the perfect cup of coffee. These products are easy to take with you on a day trip or a longer journey!43,90€ inc. VAT -
Peach Lemon
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Flavoured green teaPeach Lemon is a deliciously flavoured green tea that is also perfect for iced tea. The fresh peachy scent of the tea makes you smile and the sunny, fresh taste completes the tea experience.7,90€ inc. VAT -
Peach Ginger
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Flavoured green teaPeach Ginger is a sweet and rich peach tea spiced with a touch of spicy ginger. The delicious aftertaste lingers on the tongue for a long time.7,90€ inc. VAT -
Strange Brew Organic
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Paahtimo Papu teas, Teas, Rooibos tea, Organic tea, Caffeine-free teaStrange Brew Organic is a fresh Rooibos with honeyed flavor.5,60€ inc. VAT -
Yui Fukamushi Sencha
Teas, TeeMaaYui Fukamushi Sencha has aroma of freshly cut vegetation. Rich flavors with soft and thick mouthfeel.20,00€ inc. VAT -
Matcha Bamboo Whisk
Tea EquipmentA Matcha bamboo whisk (chasen) for making matcha formed.An essential item for tea ceremony. -
Tie Guan Yin Organic
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Oolong tea, Teas, Théhuone"Iron Guanyin" is one of the most famous tea varieties in China. Tie Guan Yin, that is from Anxi in southern Fujian has an aroma that is a mixture of vanilla and faint orchid aroma.7,90€ inc. VAT -
Ethiopia Kabira Organic
Artisan Coffee, Fruity and sweet, Medium roast, Organic coffee, Pirkanmaan PaahtimoThis Ethiopian certified organic coffee is very approachable, full-bodied and sweet. You can find dried apricot in the flavour.From: 11,90€ -
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Rwanda Cih 1/5
Artisan Coffee, Coffee beans, Fruity and sweet, Ground Coffee, Kahwe, Light roastThis light roast Rwandan coffee has notes of tropical fruits, cane sugar and aromatic herbs.From: 14,50€ -
Artisan Coffee, Café Nazca, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Dark roast, Ground Coffee, Medium-darkTop quality coffee from the best growing areas of Perú. Cajamarca's dry, sunny climate and high altitudes create fertile soils ideal for coffee cultivation.From: 12,90€ -
Savannah Espresso
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Dark roast, Mokkamestarit, Organic coffee, Espresso roastCreating an espresso blend is always a challenge for even the most experienced dark coffee roaster. After lengthy experiments, Mokkamestarit found the compatible, juicy natural-processed varietals and the right roasting profile.From: 10,90€ -
Frank Green ceramic cup 295ml
Gifts, Tea Equipment, AccessoriesFrank Green ceramic cup 295ml is a handy thermos cup with a stopper. Your drink retains its taste and temperature as you like it - either cold or hot.34,90€ inc. VAT -
Barista Bundle
Gifts, Product SetsSLURP Barista Bundle is the perfect gift for a home barista! The bundle includes a fine Barista Hustle Tamper with a high-quality Precision Milk Pitcher.105,00€ inc. VAT -
Edilson Mamian (Espresso of the Year 2023)
Artisan Coffee, Dark roast, Fruity and sweet, Medium roast, Medium-dark, Pirkanmaan Paahtimo, Espresso roastThis coffee has been in the roastery's selection for several years. When brewed as an espresso, the redcurrant, citrusy acidity and coffee berry sweetness emerge. It also works as a darker filter coffee. In this case, you can find a pleasant cherry and rum aroma on the palate.From: 15,90€ -
Brewing productsChemex is a beautiful and handy carafe for brewing the most delicious coffee. Along with its stunning looks, what makes a Chemex special are its filter papers. Chemex's own filter papers are relatively heavy and they filter the coffee with high efficiency. The final result both tastes and looks clean and clear. Especially natural processed and very dark coffees suit the Chemex excellently. Choose from three sizes: 3, 6 or 10 cup capacity.From: 45,90€ -
Stairway To… Organic
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Paahtimo Papu teas, Teas, Green tea, Organic teaA delicate green tea with sophisticated and soft flavor.5,60€ inc. VAT -
Moon Child Organic
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Paahtimo Papu teas, Teas, Black tea, Organic teaA sweet and soft-flavored organic Darjeeling.5,60€ inc. VAT -
La Marzocco VST 21gr filter basket
AccessoriesLa Marzocco VST 21gr filter basket enables brewing excellent espresso. The flawless finish and material ensure a balanced brew.29,90€ inc. VAT -
SLURP Ice Ice Tea
Tea Equipment, Product SetsCelebrate the summer with high quality tea and new brewing equipment! The advantage of cold brew tea is the mild and rich taste it produces. SLURP Ice Ice Tea includes a 50g package of Decaffeinated black orange tea and a red Hario Cold Brew Bottle 75cl34,90€ inc. VAT -
Wilfa coffee grinder Svart Aroma CGWS-130B
Coffee grindersWilfa coffee grinder Svart Aroma CGWS-130B is a really powerful and reasonably priced coffee grinder by Wilfa. Grinds coffee to 34 different grind levels.
Please note that the Wilfa Svart Aroma CGWS-130B coffee grinder is only available for purchase in Finland. We do not ship this product outside of Finland.
Assam Sonipur 2nd flush
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, TeeMaa, Other tea varietiesAssam Sonipur 2nd flush is a spicy and slightly tangy Assam tea which retains its flavour also with milk or cream.5,50€ inc. VAT -
Matcha Latte Mix
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Théhuone, Other tea varietiesMake Yourself a Refreshing Matcha Latte!11,90€ inc. VAT -
Espresso Artigianale
Artisan Coffee, Cafetoria Roastery, Fruity and sweet, Medium roast, Organic coffee, Espresso roastArtigianale brings to life the soul of old-school Italian espresso, with a cup profile that has a velvety mouthfeel and a smooth, vibrant finish.From: 12,90€ -
Colombia Dulce Sueños Decaf
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Dark roast, Decaffeinated Coffee, Inka PaahtimoThis decaffeinated coffee comes from Colombia's largest farm, located in the beautiful Salgar region of Antioquia. In this cup, you'll taste a soft smoothness of toffee, sweet bitterness of dark chocolate and light acidity of apples.From: 11,90€ -
Ethiopia Natural – Korate Espresso
Artisan Coffee, Inka Paahtimo, Light roast, Espresso roastThis coffee came second in the Espresso competition at the 2024 Helsinki Coffee Festival. Sweetness and dark berries in the taste.From: 11,90€ -
Artisan Coffee, Fruity and sweet, Medium roast, Nordic Coffee CompanyThis blend consists of Ethiopian and Guatemalan beans. The coffee has a mild, easy-drinking, balanced flavour - like the 70s all over again!From: 12,00€ -
Hario Bundle V60 01
Christmas, Gifts, Hario V60, Accessories, Product SetsHario Bundle V60 01 is perfect for every coffee lover and with its beautiful, simple appearance, it will fit into any kitchen.45,90€ inc. VAT -
Guatemala Dark
Artisan Coffee, Dark roast, Roasty and smoky, Roger's CoffeeThis coffee is produced by several farmers supplying the Fedecocagua Cooperative. The flavour has spices, dark chocolate and a balanced roastiness.From: 10,90€ -
White Rabbit Organic
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Paahtimo Papu teas, Teas, White tea, Organic teaThis soft and aromatic white tea delights with its floral flavor.5,20€ inc. VAT -
Miyazaki Kukicha
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, TeeMaa, Green teaKukicha is a tea made from the stems of tea leaves, which is therefore low in caffeine.9,00€ inc. VAT -
Wilfa WST-1000B thermos
AccessoriesThe matte black Wilfa Social thermos jug keeps coffee, tee or any other drink fresh and warm for long. The drink inside stays hot for as long as 6 hours!69,00€ inc. VAT -
Lapsang Souchong
Café Nazca teas, Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, Black teaStrong and smoky black tea.7,90€ inc. VAT -
Nicaragua Medium
Artisan Coffee, Citrusy and light, Coffee beans, Ground Coffee, Medium roast, Roger's CoffeeMedium roasted Nicaraguan coffee. In the taste, you will find citrus acidity, floral notes and a hint of grape.From: 10,90€ -
Peru Efrain Carhuallocllo
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Coffee Experience coffees, Ground Coffee, Inka Paahtimo, Medium roastThis washed, medium roast coffee offers a full-bodied cup profile with notes of chocolate and peach. The coffee has a cupping score of 86.From: 12,90€ -
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Dark roast, Kirjalan KahvipaahtimoThis sweet yet full-bodied coffee from Peru, is produced jointly by many small farmers and has a balanced profile in typical South American fashion. You can find a soft sweetness of cane sugar and full-body feel of chocolate and nuts in the cup.From: 11,90€ -
Brewista Artisan Gooseneck Kettle
Tea Equipment, Water Boilers, AccessoriesThe Brewista Artisan Gooseneck Kettle is both stylish and functional. With a 1L capacity, the Artisan is perfect for a precise pour over, and feels balanced and comfortable in the hand when pouring. Colour: Black and wood198,00€ inc. VAT -
Frank Green French Press 475ml
Gifts, Brewing products, AccessoriesDesigned for the ultimate coffee lover, this french press features an innovative ceramic inner layer that preserves the taste and temperature of your coffee.46,90€ inc. VAT -
Kesäkahvi 6 x 250g
Artisan Coffee, Coffee beans, Fruity and sweet, Ground Coffee, Kaffa Roastery, Medium roast, Organic coffeeKaffa's Kesäkahvi is like a nice serving of ice cream: softly sunny and sweetly creamy. In addition, its taste has a lot of juicy berries. Order size: 6 x 250g67,90€ inc. VAT -
Guatemala Maria Mateo 3/5
Artisan Coffee, Coffee beans, Fruity and sweet, Ground Coffee, Medium roast, MokkamestaritThis Guatemalan medium roast offers fruity and floral flavour with a nutty undertone and sweet finish.From: 10,00€ -
Bloodorange-Dragonfruit Rooibos
Teas, Théhuone, Rooibos tea, Caffeine-free teaEnjoy this rooibos accompanied by aloe vera pieces, orange peel, pineapple, raspberry, kombucha, blood orange and dragon fruit flavours.5,90€ inc. VAT -
Decaffeinated Green Grey
Teas, Théhuone, Green tea, Caffeine-free teaDecaf soft-flavoured Sencha tea spiced with premium bergamot aroma.7,50€ inc. VAT -
Glass tea jar
Tea EquipmentA beautifully simple, airtight glass jar for storing tea. Keep your favourite tea on display in the kitchen in this timeless jar with lid.9,90€ inc. VAT -
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Mad Dark
Artisan Coffee, Coffee beans, Kahwe, Roasty and smoky, Very dark roast, Espresso roastMad Dark was developed for those for whom only the darkest will do. This crazy dark roast is a blend of Brazilian Arabica and Vietnamese fine robusta.From: 10,90€ -
Jura Milk Tube Kit (HP3)
Cleaning equipment, AccessoriesPlease note that this product can only be shipped to a Finnish address Jura Milk Tube Kit (HP3) for the Jura Z8-, Z6-, J6-, S8-, E8 coffee machines.27,90€ inc. VAT -
Whiter Shade of Pale Organic
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Paahtimo Papu teas, Teas, Flavoured green tea, Organic teaA fresh blend of green China Gunpower tea and peppermint.5,60€ inc. VAT -
Crazy Diamond Organic
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Paahtimo Papu teas, Teas, Black tea, Organic teaA soft Darjeeling tea from the first harvest of Spring.5,80€ inc. VAT -
Passenger Organic
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Paahtimo Papu teas, Teas, Caffeine-free tea, Other tea varietiesA decaffeinated herbal tea with mild and honeyed taste.7,60€ inc. VAT -
Houjicha Roasted
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Teas, TeeMaa, Green teaHoujicha is a heavily roasted green tea that has, above all, a strong roasted taste without the familiar essence of normal green tea.6,50€ inc. VAT -
Barista Hustle Tamper 58.4mm
AccessoriesBarista Hustle Tamper has a stylish and comfortable design. This light-weight tamper enables effortless tamping of espresso.79,90€ inc. VAT -
Sold out
Hario Buono Kettle 900ml copper
Tea Equipment, Water Boilers, AccessoriesThis Hario Buono Kettle 900ml copper is a masterpiece in regard of both its usability and design. Highly appealing copper finishes the appearance.134,90€ inc. VAT -
Kelly Fernandez
Artisan Coffee, Fruity and sweet, Medium roast, Pirkanmaan PaahtimoThis medium roasted coffee is balanced and sweet in style. The flavour has an apricot sweetness, green apple freshness and herbal intensity.From: 11,90€ -
Freedom Espresso Decaf
Artisan Coffee, Cafetoria Roastery, Chocolaty and nutty, Dark roast, Decaffeinated Coffee, Organic coffee, Espresso roastA subtle selection of beans and handcrafted roasting are the secret behind this dark roasted, colourful and tasty chocolate-note dominated decaf espresso.From: 13,90€ -
Costa Rica Los Higuerones – Obata
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Inka Paahtimo, Medium roastThis coffee from the Los Higueron coffee farm in Costa Rica is very balanced, with notes of cocoa and toffee in the taste.From: 11,90€ -
Costa Rica Ivan Solis – Candy Natural
Artisan Coffee, Coffee beans, Ground Coffee, Inka Paahtimo, Light roast, Spicy and earthy"Candy Natural" is the name Ivan coined for this anaerobic treatment. During the process, whole coffee cherries undergo a dry anaerobic fermentation for four days, resulting in a funky cup with cinnamon and red wine notes.From: 12,90€ -
Peru Eli Espinoza Soberon
Artisan Coffee, Coffee beans, Fruity and sweet, Ground Coffee, Inka Paahtimo, Light roastA juicy coffee with notes of passion fruit, dark chocolate and strawberry, produced in Peru and roasted with care in Helsinki. This coffee has a cupping score of 87.27.From: 14,40€ -
White Winter Almond
Teas, Théhuone, White teaA gently almondy white tea spiced with apple, almond flakes, lemongrass, orange, blackcurrant leaves, marigold and safflower petals.6,50€ inc. VAT -
Organic Uni Uni
Teas, Théhuone, Organic tea, Caffeine-free tea, Other tea varietiesPrepare a strong sleep drink with these organically grown herbs just before bedtime - with linden blossom, lemon grass and other flavours!6,90€ inc. VAT -
Vietnam Robusta
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Coffee beans, Dark roast, Ground Coffee, Mokkamestarit, Espresso roastThis dark roasted Robusta, used for example with espresso, gives a long-lasting and thick cream. Find chocolate, nuts and caramel on the palate.From: 9,50€ -
Artisan Coffee, Coffee beans, Dark roast, Ground Coffee, Nordic Coffee Company, Spicy and earthyThis coffee takes you to the warm landscape and vibrant culture of Havana. Dark chocolate and cigar leaf dominate the flavours, with a spicy aftertaste.From: 11,50€ -
Frank Green bundle
Accessories, Product SetsA great gift for the colour and coffee lover - the Frank Green French Press and ceramic thermos cup ensures fresh coffee without side flavours or coffee grounds! Choose from many different colour combinations71,90€ inc. VAT -
Hario Bundle V60 02
Hario, Accessories, Product SetsThe gorgeous Hario V60 has captivated coffee lovers around the world. It comes from Japan and features a truly stylish design and durable ceramics. Although easy to use, the Hario V60 gives the brewer a lot of freedom when it comes to brewing. This makes a true coffee artist. This set is perfect for every coffee lover and with its beautiful, simple appearance, it will fit into any kitchen.59,90€ inc. VAT -
Filter Coffee Set – SLURP traditional
Brewing products, Product SetsSLURP traditional is every filter coffee drinker's best friend. This package includes a Wilfa Performance coffee maker, a Wilfa Svart Aroma coffee grinder and a digital scale. With this solution, you can easily brew the most delicious filter coffee for the whole family of friend group. Wilfa Performance is designed to be the perfect coffee maker. The extremely precise water temperature and the filtering time, which can be optimised according to the amount of coffee, make it unique. Please note, that this product is only sold inside Finland. No international shipping available.366,90€ inc. VAT -
Wilfa Travel Kettle
Water BoilersA practical small Wilfa travel kettle made of high quality stainless steel. Easy to travel with due to it's light build and small size!32,90€ inc. VAT -
Wilfa Performance
Brewing productsThe Performance coffee maker has been designed and developed in Norway, and the result is a top-quality coffee maker designed for the Nordic home, where every detail has been so well thought out that you may wonder how no one has thought of the same features before. The unique and innovative features of the coffee maker ensure the perfect tasting coffee in every cup. This coffee maker is also in use at the SLURP office, so we can strongly recommend it to our customers! Delivery to Finland Only!249,00€ inc. VAT -
Midorigi – Latte and cooking Matcha
Teas, TeeMaa, Other tea varietiesMidorigi - Matcha for Baking. This exceptionally fresh matcha is produced for TeeMaa. Perfect as a culinary matcha, ideal for baking and cooking.26,00€ inc. VAT -
Glass Coffee Dripper V60 01 – Olive Wood
Hario, Hario V60, Brewing products, AccessoriesThe award-winning HARIO V60 is the choice of coffee makers and enthusiasts around the world! Size: 0150,90€ inc. VAT -
Glass Coffee Dripper V60 02 – Olive Wood
Hario, Brewing products, AccessoriesThe award-winning HARIO V60 is the choice of coffee makers and enthusiasts around the world!57,90€ inc. VAT -
Hario V60 Craft Coffee maker – Red
Christmas, Brewing productsHario Craft Coffee Maker is an excellent solution for preparing pour over style coffee. All the Hario products are designed and manufactured in Japan. Colour: Red23,80€ inc. VAT -
Organic Matcha 1 Star for Cooking
Teas, Théhuone, Other tea varietiesOrganic Matcha 1 Star for Cooking. Authentic Organic Matcha from Uji – A Culinary Gem This organic matcha, sourced from the highly regarded tea fields of Japan’s Uji region, brings a strikingly pure green hue and rich flavor to your kitchen. Its smooth yet potent taste profile is ideal for enhancing a variety of foods and beverages. Try adding this matcha to smoothies, ice cream, or baked goods for a unique flavor experience.13,90€ inc. VAT -
Sold outQuickview
Clever Dripper Apple Green + 100 filter papers
Brewing productsClever Coffee Dripper combines the best sides of both filter coffee and french press coffee. It makes brewing coffee unbelievably effortless. Contains 100 filter papers.36,90€ inc. VAT -
AeroPress – Rubber Seal
AccessoriesAeroPress coffee equipment rubber seal (spare part)10,90€ inc. VAT -
Diego Campos
Artisan Coffee, Fruity and sweet, Light-medium roast, Pirkanmaan PaahtimoThis Colombian coffee is light in style, with a fairly high yet subtle acidity and tones of orange and milk chocolate.From: 12,50€ -
Guatemala Mixtli Organic
Artisan Coffee, Chocolaty and nutty, Medium-dark, Organic coffee, Pirkanmaan PaahtimoThis organic, chocolaty and slightly roasty medium-dark coffee comes from Valle De Acatenango in southwestern Guatemala.From: 10,50€ -
Aeropress® Stainless Steel Reusable Filter
AccessoriesAeroPress® stainless steel coffee filter. Richer coffee is just one press away with this reusable metal coffee filter.19,90€ inc. VAT -
Teas, Théhuone, Caffeine-free tea, Other tea varietiesA purifying and refreshing herbal blend of apple pieces, nettle, peppermint, orange peel, blackcurrant and cornflower petals, papaya and pineapple pieces.5,90€ inc. VAT -
Kurkuma Relax Organic
Teas, Théhuone, Caffeine-free tea, Other tea varietiesTurmeric, cardamom, ginger, anise, cocoa nibs and cinnamon create this decaffeinated tea blend.8,90€ inc. VAT -
Organic Pink Rain
Teas, Théhuone, Caffeine-free tea, Other tea varietiesSoft and fresh tea blend made from organically grown fruits and herbs. Enjoy apple pieces and lemongrass with no caffeine!5,90€ inc. VAT -
Glass tea jar set
Tea EquipmentThree beautifully simple, airtight glass jars for storing tea. Keep your favourite tea on display in the kitchen in these timeless jars with lids. The product includes three glass tea jars.25,90€ inc. VAT -
Mexico Medium
Artisan Coffee, Medium roast, Roger's Coffee, Spicy and earthyIn this medium roasted coffee, you'll find bright notes of nuts and a hint of clovesFrom: 10,90€ -
Jura Cool Control 2.5 L
Coffee Machine for the Office, AccessoriesPlease note that this product can only be shipped to a Finnish address Thanks to the Jura's Cool Control there’s now an even better way to enjoy trend specialities such as latte macchiato, flat white or cappuccino! The perfect accessory for automatic coffee machines in the workplace.408,90€ inc. VAT -
Black Jura Cool Control Milk Cooler 1 l
Coffee Machine for the Office, AccessoriesPlease note that this product can only be shipped to a Finnish address Cool Control Milk Cooler is the perfect accessory for any Jura coffee machine!293,90€ inc. VAT -
Jura GIGA Milk Tube Kit (HP2)
Cleaning equipment, AccessoriesPlease note that this product can only be shipped to a Finnish address Jura GIGA Milk Tube Kit (HP2) for the Jura GIGA coffee machines.27,90€ inc. VAT -
Jura X10 Platinum Automatic Coffee Machine
Coffee Machine for the OfficePlease note that this product can only be shipped to a Finnish address Jura X10 Platinum is an incredibly versatile coffee machine for offices, customer areas and other places where good coffee is in high demand. Are you interested in the product? Ask for a quote: hello@slurp.coffee -
Slowhand Organic
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Paahtimo Papu teas, Teas, Black tea, Organic teaA full-bodied and soft black tea with sophisticated floral aroma.5,60€ inc. VAT -
Aqualung Organic
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Paahtimo Papu teas, Teas, Black tea, Organic teaA high quality Assam tea with vibrant flavor and soft aroma.5,60€ inc. VAT -
Grand Old Rose Organic
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Paahtimo Papu teas, Teas, White tea, Flavoured green tea, Organic teaGrand Old Rose is a rosy organic tea blend that combines green and white tea with natural aromas and a hint of bourbon vanilla.5,60€ inc. VAT -
Move Over Organic
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Paahtimo Papu teas, Teas, Green tea, Organic teaThis gentle green tea is dried together with jasmine buds.5,60€ inc. VAT -
Light My Fire Organic
Kahvikiitos: Teas, Paahtimo Papu teas, Teas, Black tea, Organic teaLight My Fire Organic is an aromatic black tea. This fine organic tea comes from Sri Lanka.5,60€ inc. VAT -
Jura GIGA X3 G2 coffee machine
Coffee Machine for the OfficePlease note that this product can only be shipped to a Finnish address The new GIGA X3 Professional offers everything needed by staff in a large office or break-out room (capacity of 150 cups)Are you interested in the product? Ask for a quote: hello@slurp.coffee -
Jura WE8 Chrome Fully Automatic Coffee Machine
Coffee Machine for the OfficePlease note that this product can only be shipped to a Finnish address Jura WE8 Chrome Fully Automatic Coffee Machine. The clean, linear design, accentuated by sections in the elegant Chrome, make the WE8 the highlight in any kitchen. The One-Touch function creates trend specialities like latte macchiato, flat white or cappuccino very simply at the touch of a button.Are you interested in the product? Ask for a quote: hello@slurp.coffee -
Jura WE6 Piano Black Professional Coffee Machine
Coffee Machine for the OfficePlease note that this product can only be shipped to a Finnish address The new WE6 expertly prepares the full range of coffee classics from ristretto and espresso to café crème. Elegant and simple to use.Are you interested in the product? Ask for a quote: hello@slurp.coffee -
Jura GIGA X8c G2 Black Aluminum Professional coffee machine
Coffee Machine for the OfficePlease note that this product can only be shipped to a Finnish address The GIGA X8c is the completely new generation of automatic coffee machines for professional use from JURA.Are you interested in the product? Ask for a quote: hello@slurp.coffee -
Jura GIGA X3c Professional coffee machine
Coffee Machine for the OfficePlease note that this product can only be shipped to a Finnish address The new GIGA X3c Professional offers everything needed by staff in a large office or break-out room.Are you interested in the product? Ask for a quote: hello@slurp.coffee -
Jura GIGA X3 Professional coffee machine
Coffee Machine for the OfficePlease note that this product can only be shipped to a Finnish address The new GIGA X3 Professional offers everything needed by staff in a large office or break-out room.Are you interested in the product? Ask for a quote: hello@slurp.coffee -
Jura X6 Dark Inox automatic coffee machine
Coffee Machine for the OfficePlease note that this product can only be shipped to a Finnish address The X6 is ideal for preparing black coffee, professionally made pots of coffee and hot water in two different temperatures for tea.Are you interested in the product? Ask for a quote: hello@slurp.coffee -
Jura X8 Platinum automatic coffee machine
Coffee Machine for the OfficePlease note that this product can only be shipped to a Finnish address Jura X8 Platinum is an incredibly versatile coffee machine for offices, customer areas and other places where good coffee is in high demand.Are you interested in the product? Ask for a quote: hello@slurp.coffee -
Jura GIGA X8 G2 Black Aluminium Professional automatic coffee machine
Coffee Machine for the OfficePlease note that this product can only be shipped to a Finnish address The GIGA X8 is the completely new generation of automatic coffee machines for professional use from JURA. It is ideally tailored to the requirements of office floor, seminar, catering and Coffee to Go solutions.Are you interested in the product? Ask for a quote: hello@slurp.coffee -
Pällo Steamy Wanda steam wand brush
AccessoriesPällo Steamy Wanda steam wand brush cleans the mineral deposits on the inner walls of the steam wand as well as portafilter spouts on your espresso machine.9,90€ inc. VAT -
Pällo Coffeetool LP Grouphead Brush
AccessoriesPällo Coffeetool LP Grouphead Brush is a better, smarter way to clean your espresso machine group heads and prevent the build up of rancid oils.16,90€ inc. VAT
Slurp > Products
Flavour Profile
Type of Coffee
- Organic 18
- Single Estate 9
- Single Origin 49
- Espresso 49
- Blend 32
- Caffeine Free 7