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Posts tagged with ‘Washed’

  • #117 Kaffe Obscura: Rwanda Gitesi

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    Lemon · Plum · Stone fruit Rwanda Gitesi Kaffe Obscura Roasted: 10/07/2019 Roaster: Lasse Wuori

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  • #117 Kaffe Obscura: Rwanda Gitesi

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    Lemon · Plum · Stone fruit Rwanda Gitesi Kaffe Obscura Roasted: 10/07/2019 Roaster: Lasse Wuori

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  • #116 Turun Kahvipaahtimo: Espresso Espirito

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    Chocolate · Juicy · Intense Espresso Espirito Turun Kahvipaahtimo Roasted: 24/06/2019 Roaster: August Poutiainen The

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  • #116 Turun Kahvipaahtimo: Brazil Espirito

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    Chocolate · Juicy · Cacao Brazil Espirito Turun Kahvipaahtimo Roasted: 24/06/2019 Roaster: August Poutiainen The

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  • #116 Lehmus Roastery: Karjalan Pusu

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    Caramel · Fruity · Roasty Karjalan Pusu Lehmus Roastery Roasted: 24/06/2019 Roaster: Aki Loiri Karjalan

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  • #116 Lehmus Roastery: Tumma Itä

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    Chocolate · Nuts · Smooth Tumma Itä Lehmus Roastery Roasted: 24/06/2019 Roaster: Aki Loiri Tumma

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  • #115 Pirkanmaan Paahtimo: Hacienda Sonora Red Catuai, Natural

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    Coffee Cherry · Blood orange · Caramel Hacienda Sonora Red Catuai, Natural Pirkanmaan Paahtimo Roasted:

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  • #115 Holmen Coffee: Holmen Hunky

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    Red fruits · Chocolate · Smooth nuts Holmen Hunky Holmen Coffee Roasted: 10/06/2019 Roaster: Junho

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  • #115 Kaffa Roastery: Gitwe Natural

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    Cranberry · Brown sugar · Black tea Gitwe Natural Kaffa Roastery Roasted: 12/06/2019 Roaster: Mike

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  • #115 Kaffa Roastery: Go’Morron

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    Down-to-earth · Floral · Sweet Go’Morron Kaffa Roastery Roasted: 12/06/2019 Roaster: Tom Strömsten Some mornings

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  • #114 KeaKoffee: Funky Pacamara

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    Morello Cherry · Yoghurt · Funky Funky Pacamara KeaKoffee Roasted: 28/05/2019 Roaster: Jordan Wilson THE

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  • #114 Mokkapuu: Organic Ethiopia Sidamo

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    Lime · Apricot · Light brown caramel Organic Ethiopia Sidamo Mokkapuu Roasted: 28/05/2019 Roaster: Tuomas

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