" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> Rainforest Alliance — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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Posts tagged with ‘Rainforest Alliance’

  • #94 Pirkanmaan Paahtimo: Brazil San Rafael

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  • #90 Café Nazca: Guatemala Finca Pacayalito

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    Paahtimo: Cafetoria
    Paahtaja: Ivan Ore
    Paahtopäivä: 19.4.2016
    Lajikkeet: Caturra (60%), Typica (20%), Pache (10%), Bourbon (10%)
    Prosessi: Pesty
    Korkeus: 1200-1800m
    Tuottaja: Gran Palomar Cooperativa
    Alue: Chanchamayo
    Maa: Peru
    Sertifiointi: Luomu & Reilukauppa

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  • #89 Café Nazca: Espresso Guatemala Finca Pacayalito

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  • #63 Kaffe Obscura: Brazil Fazenda Dona Neném

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    Paahtimo: Kaffe Obscura
    Paahtaja: Lasse Wuori
    Lajike: Yellow Bourbon
    Alue: President Olegário, Cerrado, Brasilia
    Prosessointi: Pulped Natural
    Kasvukorkeus: 1050m

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  • #62 Mokkapuu: Sumatra Mandheling Grade 1 FTO

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  • #60 Pirkanmaan Paahtimo: Brazil San Rafael

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  • #54 Pirkanmaan Paahtimo: Brazil San Rafael

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  • #49 Helsingin Kahvipaahtimo: El Salvador Joya Estate

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  • #41 KeaKoffee: SEVEN thirds ESPRESSO

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  • #33 Roger’s Coffee: El Salvador Urrutia SHG

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    Roastery: Roger’s Coffee
    Roaster: Roger Snellman
    Roasted on: 20.4.2016
    Varieties: Bourbon, Pacas, Pacamara
    Altitude: 1500m
    Processing: Washed
    Producer: Dr. Gustavo Adolfo Urrutia Centeno and family
    Farm: El Ingenio de Los Ausoles, San Ernesto, Las Canoas, San Luis
    Certificate: Rainforest Alliance

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