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Don Martin

Don Martin
21.02.2022 sofia.slurp

Don Martin

We’re glad to kick off the year 2022 with a coffee from old friend of ours, 19grams in Berlin, Germany!

Their Shantawene Anaerobic from Ethiopia was one of last year’s coffees that received the most positive feedback directly from you so we didn’t want to wait any longer to feature another coffee from their amazing selection as soon as it became possible!

While this month’s coffee isn’t quite as rare variety as the Purpuracae we featured last month, it’s definitely not the most seen out there!

We’re excited to introduce you to the Natural processed Dwarf Geisha from Don Martin in Costa Rica.

The farm Finca La Chumenca is located in Tarrazú region, which is one of the most famous coffee regions in Costa Rica. It is located in 2000 meters above sea level where the coffee cherries mature slowly and develop deep, complex flavors.

Only ripe, deep red cherries are harvested and processed in natural method, so sun drying in-cherry. The cherries are dried on African raised beds to assure efficient and even airflow to produce coffees with clean flavor profile.

Don Martin Urena has grown into processing coffees and says himself that he’s been in the industry for over 50 years. Even though he’s the head of the farm, he’s still very actively involved in the everyday work that goes into cultivating, harvesting and processing La Chumeca coffees. It’s truly a family business as he even met his wife Olga Jimenez in the coffee harvest 25 years ago!

What about the variety then? “Dwarf Geisha” is really a nickname to a variety that caused a lot of buzz in the beginning of 2010’s when world renowned producers like Cafe Granja started featuring it in their selection. In fact, the variety was brought to Cafe Granja as Geisha but after they’d planted it and examined it’s growing, it became apparent that this variety was not Geisha at all. It did still produce incredibly tasty cups of coffee that had soft floral notes that reminded them of Geisha. They started calling this variety “Enano” which means dwarf in Spanish and ever since it’s been seen in multiple occasions, usually processed as natural to highlight the soft floral notes.
Expect notes of strawberry juice, violet, ripe apricot and a hint of toasted almond.

Farm: La Chumeca
Farmer: Don Martin Urena
Location: Tarrazú, Costa Rica
Altitude: 2000 masl.
Cultivar: Dwarf Geisha
Process: Natural

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