" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #147 Paahtimo Papu: Dominican Republican Organic Jarabacoa — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#147 Paahtimo Papu: Dominican Republican Organic Jarabacoa

#147 Paahtimo Papu: Dominican Republican Organic Jarabacoa
07.09.2020 Sofia Yli-Pelkonen


Dominican Republican Organic Jarabacoa

Paahtimo Papu

Roaster: Ristopekka Piirainen

Coffee coming from Jarabacoa region offers strong acidity and nice cuban style smokeyness and tobacco flavor. If you need an excellent filter coffee for special moments, this is the one! This 100% organic microlot is one of the most distinctive and delicious coffees ever! It is sourced from a socially and environmentally responsible producer who strives to be a force for positive change in this economically troubled region. Workers are paid roughly 300 percent higher wages than Fair Trade standard.

Country: Dominican Republic
Region: Jarabacoa
Farm: The Ramirez Estate
Farmer: Belarminio Ramirez E Hijos
Varieties: Caturra, Typica
Growing Altitude: 900–1500 m
Processing: washed


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