" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #171 Paahtimo Papu Oy: Honduras, Organic Espresso — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#171 Paahtimo Papu Oy: Honduras, Organic Espresso

#171 Paahtimo Papu Oy: Honduras, Organic Espresso
08.08.2021 severi.sinkko

Tumma suklaa・Karamelli・Pähkinä

Honduras, Organic Filter

Paahtimo Papu Oy

Roaster: Ristopekka Piirainen

This coffee is very soft, with low acidity and a pleasant chocolate aroma. It is ideal as a base for milk coffees and works well as filter coffee, prepared using various methods, as well as in a cafetiere. This coffee variety is slightly lighter in roasting than espresso roasts, which helps bring out the best coffee aromas.

Country: Honduras
Region: Lempira
Farm: Cooperative Asociacion de Productores de Café San Andres
Farmers: 127 farmers in cooperative
Varieties: Catuai, Lempira, Icatu, Ovata, Parainema, IHC 90, Typica, Caturra
Growing Altitude: 1100-1900 m
Processing: Washed

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