" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #162 Paahtimo Papu: Colombia – Organic Manizales, Tolima — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#162 Paahtimo Papu: Colombia – Organic Manizales, Tolima

#162 Paahtimo Papu: Colombia – Organic Manizales, Tolima
05.04.2021 Sara Kanerva


Colombia – Organic Manizales, Tolima

Paahtimo Papu

Roaster: Ristopekka Piirainen

Slighly fruity and extremely soft dark roast. Coffee is round and balanced added with good moutfeel and pleasant aftertaste. Being slighlty acidic and lighly fruity this coffee fits excellently for filter brewing, but it also works nicely as espresso.

Country: Colombia
Region: Tolima, Santa Antonio Rioblanco
Farm: Cafe Granja La Esperanza
Farmer: Small farmholders
Varieties: Castillo, Colombia,Caturro
Growing Altitude: 1300–1900 m
Processing: Washed


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