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#155 Café Nazca: Gato

#155 Café Nazca: Gato
28.12.2020 Sara Kanerva

Chocolate・Tropical Fruits・Citrus


Café Nazca

Roaster: Pasi Pelkonen

Our latest coffee was named after the recently found new nazca line as Gato (cat). Coffee comes from Guatemala Huehuetenango region and has been cultivated by 42 female farmers as a part of COMAL cooperation. This organic certified coffee is full bodied with aromas of chocolate, tropical fruits and citrus.

Country: Guatemala
Region: Huehuetenango
Farm: COMAL Cooperation
Farmer: 42 female farmers
Varieties: Caturra, Bourbon, Catuai, Pache
Growing Altitude: 1400–2000
Processing: wet


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