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#142 Paahtimo Papu: Peru Millenium coffee

#142 Paahtimo Papu: Peru Millenium coffee
29.06.2020 Markus.ihamuotila


Peru Millenium coffee

Paahtimo Papu

Roaster: Ristopekka Piirainen

Organic Millenium is a coffee brand that has been farmed in the areas of Jaén and San Ignacio Cajamarca. Coffees from the northern part of Peru are usually awarded the highest cupping points. This coffee received the highest cupping points in a competition held in 2017.
The coffee is being farmed in a way that protects and respects the environment. The coffee’s roast level is 3,5 (on a scale from 1 to 5) which highlights the aromas of chocolate and nut. This coffee is also an excellent espresso since its taste is very smooth.

Country: Peru
Region: Jaén & San Ignacio, Cajamarca
Farm: Cooperative “Caficultores Alto Cajamarca“
Varieties: Typica, Mundo Novo, Bourbon,
Pache, Caturra, Castilla
Growing Altitude: 1200–2000m
Processing: Washed


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