" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #162 Kahwe: Brazil Cafeina — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#162 Kahwe: Brazil Cafeina

#162 Kahwe: Brazil Cafeina
05.04.2021 severi.sinkko

Dark chocolate・Almond・Fudge

Brazil Cafeina


Roaster: Joel Marttala

The Cafeine Group was started this year for the female farmers as a part of the Cocatrel Cooperative in Tres Pontas, Sul De Minas. Group has 1154 women producer members, and that is one fifth of the whole member count in the cooperative. The idea was to encourage the engagement of these female producers in the decision making process of the Cooperative. They are organised to have meeting every two months to improve their education and knowledge but also to increase their visibility in the coffee growing community and promote their involvement.

Country: Brazil
Region:Minas Gerais
Farm: Zaroca, Matao
Farmer: Flaviane Botrel (Matao), Jaceline Campos (Zaroca)
Varieties: Topazio
Growing Altitude: 1150 m
Processing: Pulped Natural


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