" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #159 Paahtimo Papu: Papua New Guinea — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#159 Paahtimo Papu: Papua New Guinea

#159 Paahtimo Papu: Papua New Guinea
22.02.2021 Maria Ariyo


Papua New Guinea

Paahtimo Papu

Roaster: Ristopekka Piirainen

NGHCE-company gives help to its farmers in coffee production in general as well as in standards and processes when applying organic certificates. Farmers get also monetary consulting and they are also getting information in awareness of equality. This coffee is roasted dark as it brings out caramel flavour combined with cacao and a hint of citrus. Coffee is perfect both as filter coffee and espresso!

Country: Papua New Guinea
Region: Bena Bena Valley
Farm: Korofeigu Farner ́s Cooperative
Farmer: Cooperative
Varieties: Arusha, Blue Mountain
Growing Altitude:
Processing: Washed, sun-dried


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