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#141 Holmen Coffee: Holmen Habit

#141 Holmen Coffee: Holmen Habit
15.06.2020 Markus.ihamuotila

Dark chocolate・Creamy・Soft licorice

Holmen Habit

Holmen Coffee

Roaster: Junho Suzuki

We hope our Habit will be your habit too! Holmen Habit is a classical Northern Italian espresso roast. Our selection covers mainly coffee blends that are roasted less acidic than Finnish coffees on average. We at the roastery find this to be the perfect “kick-start” in the morning! Some of us drink the Habit all day long… Dark, delicious and such a good Habit-habit! All enjoy!

Country: Guatemala, Columbia, Costa Rica, India
Region: Huehuetenango (Guat), Huila (Col), San Marco/San Jose (CR), Karnataka (Ind)
Farm: Several small estates
Varieties: Catai, Caturra, Bourbon (Guat); Typica, Caturra (Col); Castillo, Caturra, Bourbon (CR); Parchment AB (Ind)
Growing Altitude: 1500–2000m (Guat), 1600-1800m (Col), 1500–1800m (CR), 700–800m (Ind)
Processing: Hand picked, Washed


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