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#132 Kaffa Roastery: Kaffa Midnight Espresso

#132 Kaffa Roastery: Kaffa Midnight Espresso
10.02.2020 Maria Ariyo

Raw Chocolate · Nutmeg · Dark syrup

Kaffa Midnight Filter Coffee

Kaffa Roastery

Roasted: 05/02/2020
Roaster: Jonna Korhonen

Kaffa is changing the Finnish coffee culture and the global coffee market. Quality, sustainability and transparency are at the centre of Kaffa’s production. Kaffa makes a Kaffa Handshake contract with each partner, which is a promise of fair trading, proper working conditions and care for the environment.

San Lorenzo is a community of 1150 coffee producers, made up of families, neighbours and friends. The San Lorenzo village has invested in maintaining natural diversity by protecting local waters and forests.

Mustefa is a long-time coffee farmer from Western Ethiopia, who just recently started as a producer as well. While visiting Mustefa’s 18-hectare farm in December 2018, Jonna immediately fell in love with Mustefa’s happy attitude, which you can also taste in the cup!

The syrupy mouthfeel and sweetness of dried fruits of the Colombian bean are a perfect match with the Natural processed Ethiopian bean.

Country: Ethiopia / Colombia
Region: Agaro, Jimma, Western Ethiopia / Caldas, Colombia
Farm: Mustafa Abakeno & outgrowers (Eth) / San Lorenzo producer group (Col)
Varieties: Heirloom (Eth) / Caturra (Col)
Growing Altitude: 2040m (Eth) / 1600-2200m(Col)
Processing: Natural (Eth) / Washed (Col)


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