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#158 Holmen Coffee: Holmen Heaven

#158 Holmen Coffee: Holmen Heaven
08.02.2021 Maria Ariyo

Fruits・Dark herbs・Darkest cocoa

Holmen Heaven

Holmen Coffee

Roaster: Junho Suzuki/Arnd Brockmüller

Holmen Heaven is a special coffee developed for a special client high up in the Sky! Lucy is 80m high up and there this coffee hopefully will take you too! In these hard times, this is something we all need to give us energy and the “bestest of vibes”. As always also this Holmen coffee is roasted with love from top beans matching our philosophy. We like people, we like animals and we like nature. Spread the word!

Country: Ethiopia, India, Colombia, Uganda, Guatemala
Region: Sidamo (Eth), Karnataka (Ind), Huila (Col), Mount Elgon Nature Reserve (U), Huehuetenango (Gua)
Farm: Elementary School Project (Eth), several small farmers (others)
Farmer: several farmers
Varieties: Heirloom grade1 (Eth), Parchement AB (Ind), Bugisu AA (Ug), Typica, Caturra (Col), Bourbon, Caturra, Catuai (Gua)
Growing Altitude: 1800-2000 (Eth), 800-1200 (Ind), 1300-2400 (Ug), 1600-1800 (Col), 1500-2000 (Gua)
Processing: Washed


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