" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #154 Kahwe: Mexico Ara Macau — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#154 Kahwe: Mexico Ara Macau

#154 Kahwe: Mexico Ara Macau
18.12.2020 Markus.ihamuotila


Mexico Ara Macau


Roaster: Joel Marttala

This naturally grown coffee comes from the Chiapas area in Mexico. The coffee grows in the altitude of 900 to 1200 m, and consist of the catimori and catuait varieties. The coffee consist of multiple coffees from small farmerholders, whose coffee farms are the size of 0,5–3 hectares. A small local farmers organisation Oaxaca buys the coffees partially processed, after which the coffees travel to a common washing station.

Country: Mexico
Region: Chiapas
Farm: Local farmers
Farmer: Organisation of smallholders Coroax
Varieties: Catimor, Catuai
Growing Altitude: 900–1200 m
Processing: Washed


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