" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #128 Rogers Coffee: Brasil Dark — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#128 Rogers Coffee: Brasil Dark

#128 Rogers Coffee: Brasil Dark
16.12.2019 Maria Ariyo

Dark chocolate · Roasted hazelnuts · Bittersweet

Brasil Dark

Rogers Coffee

Roasted: 12/12/2019
Roaster: Martins Kubulnieks

Dark, intensive, strong — those will be first emotions after tasting this coffee. Yet, in a good way. The darker we roast, the more important it is for us at Rogers Coffee to pay full attention to every single second during the roasting process. Too big a flame or a few seconds too slow of action can push the coffee flavour away from our desired profile. This said we know You will love it. The nutty and intensive flavours usually found in Brasil coffees are even more bright in this coffee. This is a coffee to stay awake and have a smile while enjoying it. This is Midnight coffee — Brasil Dark!

Country: Brazil
Region: Minas Gerais
Producer: Bourbon Specialty Coffee partner estates
Producer: Various smallholders
Varieties: Catuai, Mundo Novo
Growing Altitude: 1200m
Processing: Natural


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