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#192 Makea Coffee: Caramel Groove

#192 Makea Coffee: Caramel Groove
31.05.2022 Petro Hakkarainen


Caramel Groove

Makea Coffee

Roaster: Visa Tuovinen

Makea Coffee’s new Brazilian coffee is produced by members of the APAS Fair Trade farmer community in Minas Gerais. The coffee of the Catuai and Mundo Novo varieties is processed using the Natural method. In this medium roast coffee you will sense nuttiness, chocolate and caramel sweetness with a soft velvety mouthfeel. A delightful treat for every coffee moment of the day. We paid 17% above the market price for the green coffee as a quality premium, which includes a farmer’s Fair Trade premium of €0.39/kg.

Country: Brazil
Region: Minas Gerais
Farm: APAS farmer community
Farmer: Various smallholder farms
Varieties: Catuai, Mundo Novo
Growing altitude: 950-1250m
Process: Natural

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