" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #179 Cafetoria Roastery: Colombia Planadas — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#179 Cafetoria Roastery: Colombia Planadas

#179 Cafetoria Roastery: Colombia Planadas
30.11.2021 jusa.annevirta

Dried Fruits・Orange・Caramel

Colombia Planadas

Cafetoria Roastery

Roaster: Ivan Ore

ASOPEP coop grows this coffee in Tolima. They follow organic practices to minimise the environmental impact of coffee production. Almost all their coffees are certified as organic. In the last 10 years they have had a strong presence in Cup of Excellence -competitions.

This coffee was roasted using the same approach we have to all of our medium roasted coffees. We want our medium roasts to offer you a pleasant sweet aftertaste with a gentle punch. In this way we can still appreciate the inherent flavour notes of the bean.

Country: Colombia
Region: Tolima
Farm: ASOPEP Cooperative
Farmer: ASOPEP Cooperative
Varieties: Castillo, Caturra, Typica
Altitude: 1400-2150
Processing: Washed

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