" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #128 Lehmus Roastery: Kimpinen — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#128 Lehmus Roastery: Kimpinen

#128 Lehmus Roastery: Kimpinen
16.12.2019 Maria Ariyo

Cocoa · Milk Chocolate · Yellow fruits


Lehmus Roastery

Roasted: 10/12/2019
Roaster: Jussi Tyrisevä

Kimpinen is a modern medium roast espresso for lovers of creamy espressos with notes of nuts. The flavour is beautiful and when enjoyed with milk, the dark chocolate notes transform into soft milk chocolate.

Kimpinen is a neighbourhood-coffee from the award-winning Lehmus Roastery. Among other things, Kimpinen has the Lappenranta water tower, that has a view all the way to Vyborg.

Country: Brazil & Papua New Guinea
Region: South Minas (Bra) Wahgi Valley (PNG)
Farm: Various smallholder farms
Varieties: Arabica Blend (Bra), Arusha, Blue Mountain, San Ramon Arabica (PNG)
Growing Altitude: 1100m (Bra) 1400-1800m (PNG)
Processing: Natural (Bra) Washed (PNG)


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