" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #182 Record Coffee Company: Brasilia, FAF - Caparaò natural — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#182 Record Coffee Company: Brasilia, FAF – Caparaò natural

#182 Record Coffee Company: Brasilia, FAF – Caparaò natural
11.01.2022 Petro Hakkarainen

Ripe fruits・ Chocolate・ Lime acidity

Brasilia, FAF – Caparaò natural

Record Coffee Company

Roaster: Mattia Spiga

Fernando is warmly known as the ‘Rockstar Farmer’ because he plays guitar in a local rock band and used to have long hair, making him look like Axel Rose. He and his wife Glenda own a small farm with a total of 8 hectares which Fernando inherited from his father. The Catucai variety in this coffee is a crossover of Catuai and Icatu made in Brasil. It has much more resistance to leaf rust and other pests such as leaf miner compared to Catuai. In the cup Catucai has a higher and more floral acidity than Catuai. It is quickly replacing Catuai as the most planted varietal in the region.

Country: Brazil
Area: Alto Caparaó
Farm: Sitio Vista Alegre
Farmer: Fernando Heringer
Variety: Yellow Catucai
Growing altitude: 1400m
Process: Natural

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