" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #189 Frukt Coffee Roasters: Idido — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#189 Frukt Coffee Roasters: Idido

#189 Frukt Coffee Roasters: Idido
19.04.2022 Petro Hakkarainen



Frukt Coffee Roasters

Roaster: Samuli Pääkkönen

This coffee is a classic fully washed Yirgacheffe flavour profile. Citric acidity and floral aroma with fruity notes too. The coffee cherries are grown by local small farmers who live around the town of Idido in Gedeb, Yirgacheffe. The area is very high, above 1900m above sea level, which leads to expressed aromatics and great complex acidity. Roasted for filter this coffee is clean and bright and acidity forward with enough room for floral aroma.

Country: Ethiopia
Region: Gedeo, Yirgacheffe
Farm: Idido Station
Farmer: Small farmholders
Variety: Mix of local Heirloom Varieties
Growing altitude: 1960m
Process: Fully washed

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