" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #178 Makea Coffee: Tabi Honey Organic — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#178 Makea Coffee: Tabi Honey Organic

#178 Makea Coffee: Tabi Honey Organic
16.11.2021 jusa.annevirta

Almond Chocolate・Citrus・Raspberry

Tabi Honey organic

Makea Coffee

Roaster: Kyle Papai

Makea Coffee’s partner farm La Pradera in Columbia produces several top-class coffees as demonstrated by this organic Tabi variety. “Tabi” means “good” in the language of the original Guambiano tribe. In this honey processing, beans are fermented with the mucilage layer in two phases. This process creates a velvety mouthfeel for the coffee. We roasted the coffee to create an extremely light roast for Slurp, which means that you can taste a hint of raspberry in addition to the main flavours. As always with Makea and Slurp, your taste buds will be celebrating!

Country: Columbia
Area: Santander
Farm: Hacienda la Pradera
Farmer: Oscar Daza Bautista
Varieties: Tabi
Growing altitude: 1,700–1,900 m
Processing: Honey

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