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#137 Kahwe: Peru Cajamarca Añas Blue

#137 Kahwe: Peru Cajamarca Añas Blue
20.04.2020 Maria Ariyo

Milk chocolate · Yellow fruits · Grapes

Peru Cajamarca Añas Blue


Roasted: 13/04/2020
Roaster: Joel Marttala

This Peruvian organically grown coffee is a wonderful way to start your morning. It is balanced with notes of both fruits and chocolate. Añas Blue is made up of Peruvian smallholders who have a shared vision of farming coffee responsibly and sustainably. Organic farming enables the future generations of the family farms a possibility of continuing in their parents’ footsteps. Most farms are second or third-generation farms and the coffee is delivered to a shared washing station, where the coffee continues its travel to Europe.

Country: Peru
Region: Cajamarca
Farm: Añas Blue
Producer: Coopagro cooperative
Varieties: Catimor, Caturra, Typica
Growing Altitude: 1600-2100m
Processing: Washed


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