" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #68 Kaffa Roastery: Colombia El Molino — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#68 Kaffa Roastery: Colombia El Molino

#68 Kaffa Roastery: Colombia El Molino
28.08.2017 Rafael Linnankoski

Shipment #68
SLURP light espresso


Colombia El Molino

Country: Colombia
Region: Antiquia, Andies, South-Western Colombia
Co-operative: Co-op Andes
Estate: El Molino
Producer: Mateo Marlunda
Varieties: Caturra, Colombia & Castillo


Alan Grosvenor


GROWING altitude (MASL)

Sweet Juiciness

SOft acidity

nuances of sugarcane and oranges

Colombia El Molino is a typical, small Colombian coffee farm above the Santa Ines river in the Antiqua province. The farm is owned by Mateo Marlunda who runs it together with his sister. During harvest their mother is also helping to pick the berries. At the high altitude of the farm it’s not possible to harvest the berries with machines, but they can only be picked by hand. The farm also has their own, small washing station for processing the coffee.

El Molino makes for an excellent espresso. The taste is balanced and sweet. Acidity is soft and in the nuances one can find sugarcane, tamarind and oranges.

Source: Kaffa Roastery


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