" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #43 Pirkanmaan Paahtimo: Espresso Ethiopia Matahara Natural — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#43 Pirkanmaan Paahtimo: Espresso Ethiopia Matahara Natural

#43 Pirkanmaan Paahtimo: Espresso Ethiopia Matahara Natural
12.09.2016 Rafael Linnankoski

Shipment #43
SLURP light espresso


Espresso Ethiopia Matahara Natural

Country: Ethiopia
Region: Matahara, Oromia
Varieties: Local Arabica


Tuomas Roschier



Sweet berries



Matahara is located in the Oromia province, East from the capital Addis Ababa. On this side of the country coffee is grown less than the country’s South and South-Western parts where for instance the famous Sidamo and Yirgacheffe regions are located. In the Eastern parts, probably the most well known area is Harrar. The Matahara region’s soil is volcanic thus making the ground fertile.

The growing surroundings of this coffee are called Forest Coffee. This means the coffee plantations are in the vicinity of the coffee farms. The coffee plants have plenty of room, as there are only 1000-1800 plants per hectare. They have used mainly organic matter to fertilize. Mixed farming is typical to the area.

There is a deep berry-like flavour in this coffee, which is intensified by the sweetness of the Natural (sun dried) processing. Still, the coffee is not too wild and one can taste the clarity of the coffee’s parts. There are sweet raisins and chocolate in the scent. In the taste, besides the berries, one can taste raisins, a nuance of chocolate and blueberries.

Source: Pirkanmaan Paahtimo


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