" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #169 ROST & Co.: Honduras — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#169 ROST & Co.: Honduras

#169 ROST & Co.: Honduras
13.07.2021 jusa.annevirta

Nutty・ Smooth・ Notes of cocoa


ROST & Co.

Roaster: Antti Kivelä

Honduras is our roastery’s first organic and Fair Trade certified single origin coffee. The coffee is produced by COMSA, a co-operative of small farmers established 20 years ago. It is a versatile coffee that can be enjoyed black or with accompaniments. We roast our coffee using a Loring S35 Kestrel coffee roaster utilising a progressive roasting technique that both conserves the environment and preserves the nuanced flavours of the coffee.

Country: Honduras
Area: Marcala, La Paz
Farm: COMSA co-operative
Producer: COMSA co-operative
Varieties: Icatu, Lempira, Catuai, Yellow Catuai
Growing altitude: 1,600 m
Processing: Washed

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