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#157 Makea Coffee: La Pradera

#157 Makea Coffee: La Pradera
25.01.2021 Maria Ariyo


La Pradera

Makea Coffee

Roaster: Visa Tuovinen

A third-generation farmer, Oscar Daza Bautistan, is running an organic coffee farm in La Pradera, Santander, Colombia. La Pradera means prairie as this farm was bare land just a few decades ago but since then planting various plants during the years has created exceptional verdancy and biodiversity. We chose this coffee due to its excellent balance: even though we roast it lightly, it offers smooth and rich mouthfeel. You can taste nougat, toffee and a familiar citrusy flavour common to Colombian coffees in the end. #apartyinyourmouth wishes your roaster, Visa.

Country: Colombia
Region: La Pradera
Farm: La Pradera
Farmer: Oscar Daza Bautista
Varieties: Castillo
Growing Altitude: 1700-1900 m
Processing: Double fermented, Washed


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