" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #133 Kahiwa Coffee Roasters: Sítio São Domingos — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#133 Kahiwa Coffee Roasters: Sítio São Domingos

#133 Kahiwa Coffee Roasters: Sítio São Domingos
24.02.2020 Maria Ariyo

Lingonberry pie · Cherry · Cacao Nibs

Sítio São Domingos

Kahiwa Coffee Roasters

Roasted: 19/02/2020
Roaster: Joonas Markkanen

Edvaldo dos Reis’ passion for coffee comes from his parents from whom he learned all he knows about coffee cultivation. With effort and dedication, he was able to buy his own coffee lot where he develops his excellent coffee to higher standards every year.

Kahiwa is all about roasting exceptionally great coffees that are based in sustainable business. We believe that buying our coffees as directly as possible from the farms with a fair price, we are not only supporting the farmers in economic terms but also enabling them to pour out their passion to the coffee.

Country: Brazil
Region: Sul de Minas
Farm: Sítio São Domingos
Farmer: Edvaldo dos Reis
Varieties: Red Catuai, Yellow Catuai, Mundo Novo
Growing Altitude (MASL): 1100m
Processing: Natural


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