" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #131 Pirkanmaan Paahtimo: Brazil Mare Blue — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#131 Pirkanmaan Paahtimo: Brazil Mare Blue

#131 Pirkanmaan Paahtimo: Brazil Mare Blue
27.01.2020 Maria Ariyo

Milk chocolate · Almond · Yellow fruits

Brazil Mare Blue

Pirkanmaan Paahtimo

Roasted: 21/01/2019
Roaster: Tuomas Roschier

Coffee farming has been passed on in the Vileila family from generation to generation for over a hundred years. The family got Fazenda Vitoria in 1999. This is a soft espresso, that doesn’t lack character.

Country: Brazil
Region: Sul De Minas
Farm: Fazenda VitoriaErnane Vileila
Farmer: Ernane Vileila
Varieties: Yellow Catuai
Growing Altitude (MASL): 950-1100m
Processing: Natural


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