" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #142 Roger's Coffee: Brasil Decaf — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#142 Roger’s Coffee: Brasil Decaf

#142 Roger’s Coffee: Brasil Decaf
29.06.2020 Sofia Yli-Pelkonen

Hazelnut・Cacao・Heavy cream

Brasil Decaf

Roger’s Coffee

Roaster: Martins Kubulnieks

To prepare the beans for caffeine removal, they are first cleaned and hydrated with pure, local water, after which they are introduced to an internally developed Green Coffee Extract (GCE), and the caffeine removal begins. Caffeine and GCE flow continuously through carbon filters until all the caffeine is trapped and separated from the GCE, which is refreshed so that it can be used again and again to remove more caffeine. The process is monitored for around 10 hours and the caffeine levels until the coffee is 99.9% caffeine free.

Country: Brazil
Region: Minas Gerais
Farm: Ascarive
Farmer: Part of the Cocarive co-operative
Varieties: Bourbon, Catuai
Growing Altitude: 900–1100m
Processing: Natural, Swiss Water


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