" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #132 Kahiwa Coffee Roasters: Ethiopia Sisay Tetemke — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#132 Kahiwa Coffee Roasters: Ethiopia Sisay Tetemke

#132 Kahiwa Coffee Roasters: Ethiopia Sisay Tetemke
10.02.2020 Maria Ariyo

Oreo’s · Red berries · Soft citrus

Ethiopia Sisay Tetemke

Kahiwa Coffee Roasters

Roasted: 05/02/2020
Roaster: Joonas Markkanen

In the Swiss Water process, coffee is decaffeinated without chemicals. The caffeine is dissolved carefully into water, while protecting the original flavour of the coffee. This Ethiopian coffee from the Sidamo area is a perfect example of the traditional flavours of the area despite being decaffeinated. You can find the delicious chocolate and berry character with soft citrus notes. We have roasted this coffee to be an especially delicious filter coffee, that also brews some amazing and tasty espresso cups.

Country: Ethiopia
Region: Sidamo
Exporter: Sisay Tetemke
Varieties: Heirloom
Growing Altitude (MASL): 1600-1900m
Processing: Swiss Water Decaf


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