" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #207 Café Nazca: Perro — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#207 Café Nazca: Perro

#207 Café Nazca: Perro
22.12.2022 Elina Viiala

Milk Chocolate・Hazelnut・Red berries


Café Nazca

Roaster: Pasi Pelkonen

Victor is a coffee farmer in the 3rd generation and his coffees have succeeded well in Cup of Excellence competitions. His 200 ha farm is located in Bonetilla, Jinotega at 1200m altitude. Victor is engaged to take care of his employees by paying 35% more salary, serving their lunches, health care, accommodation and day care for the children. He is a well respected employer and his employees have long careers in his farm which also ensure high quality for his coffee.

Country: Nicaragua
Region: Jinotega
Farm: Finca las Morenitas
Farmer: Victor Robelo
Variety: Red and Yellow Catuaí
Growing altitude: 1200m
Process: Washed

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