" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #182 Helsingin Kahvipaahtimo: Blend №4 — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#182 Helsingin Kahvipaahtimo: Blend №4

#182 Helsingin Kahvipaahtimo: Blend №4
11.01.2022 Petro Hakkarainen


Blend №4

Helsingin Kahvipaahtimo

Roaster: Benjamin Andberg

Blend №4 is a velvety and smooth French style roast. It’s a sophisticated and festive blend where dark chocolate and almond dance together in perfect harmony.

Country: Brazil, Indonesia, Tanzania
Region: Minas Gerais (Bra), Sumatra (Ind), Karatu (Tan)
Farm: Multiple farms
Farmer: Multiple farmers
Variety: Multiple varieties
Process: Natural (Bra), Giling Basah (Ind), washed (Tan)

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