" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #124 Mokkapuu: Ethiopia Sidamo Furla — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#124 Mokkapuu: Ethiopia Sidamo Furla

#124 Mokkapuu: Ethiopia Sidamo Furla
21.10.2019 Maria Ariyo

Cherry · Strawberry · Earthy

Ethiopia Sidamo Furla


Roasted: 16/10/2019
Roaster: Tuomas Sandroos

Several family farms in Borena grow this organic coffee and deliver it to the family-owned Kassa washing station, that focuses on sustainability in production and positive environmental and socio-economic impact. This coffee includes varieties typical in all Ethiopian arabica coffee, the heirloom arabica that is grown wild under shade. This reduces the usage of water used for growing. This bright, acidic Ethiopian coffee should be noted for its unique and exquisite flavour and body.

Country: Ethiopia
Region: Sidamo, Borena zone
Washing station: Kassa Family
Varieties: Heirloom (Ethiopian wild/traditional varietals)
Growing Altitude (MASL): 1800-1900m
Processing: Natural


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