" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #122 Turun Kahvipaahtimo: Dos Cosechas — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#122 Turun Kahvipaahtimo: Dos Cosechas

#122 Turun Kahvipaahtimo: Dos Cosechas
22.09.2019 Maria Ariyo

Tropical fruit · Citrus · Marzipan

Dos Cosechas

Turun Kahvipaahtimo

Roasted: 13/09/2019
Roaster: August Poutiainen

Dos Cosechas stands for two harvests. The fruitful lands of Colombia provide us with this super sweet coffee from the best coffee growing regions of the country.

This selection of beans is tightly screened and only the best beans get picked. This batch of Dos Cosechas is roasted to dark perfection. Just for you.

Country: Colombia
Region: Huila and other regions
Farm: Various
Farmer: Various
Varieties: Typica, Caturra and others
Growing Altitude: 1200-1800m
Processing: Washed


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