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#118 Kahiwa Coffee Roasters: El Ventarrón

#118 Kahiwa Coffee Roasters: El Ventarrón
29.07.2019 Maria Ariyo

Chocolate · Creamy · Cola

El Ventarrón

Kahiwa Coffee Roasters

Roasted: 24/07/2019
Roaster: Joonas Markkanen

Behind every exceptionally great cup of coffee is always passion and devotion. In this coffee, these attributes are carried by the farmer named Julian Guevara and naturally Kahiwa as the roastery. Guevara’s farm, Finca El Ventarrón is located on the slopes of Acevedo in the Huila region, covering 7 hectares. Julian has been growing a few different coffee varieties including Caturra, Colombia and Tabi, but some years ago he made a bigger renovation to his farm to begin cultivating a new variety called Ombligon. Ombligon can be translated to “a big fat belly button” , which one can actually find in the coffee cherry in question. Because of this funny detail farmers gave this relatively unknown variety the name Ombligon.

Kahiwa is all about roasting exceptionally great coffees that are based in sustainable business and long-lasting relationships with the farmers. We believe that cooperating and buying our coffees as straight from the farms as possible with a fair price, we are not only supporting the farmers in economic terms but also enabling them to pour out their passion to the coffee. This passion leads to environmental sustainability, ethicality and of course in a superb coffee that we are inspired to present to you.

We have roasted this coffee gently to a dark roast while maintaining its unique attributes without burning them. From this coffee, you can find notes of Chocolate and Cola with a smooth creamy mouthfeel. Enjoy!

Country: Colombia
Region: Acevedo, Huila
Farm: El Ventarrón
Farmer: Julian Guevara
Varieties: Ombligon
Growing Altitude: 1550m
Processing: Washed


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