" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #41 KeaKoffee: SEVEN thirds ESPRESSO — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#41 KeaKoffee: SEVEN thirds ESPRESSO

#41 KeaKoffee: SEVEN thirds ESPRESSO
15.08.2016 Rafael Linnankoski

Shipment #41
SLURP dark espresso




Two Arabicas 70 %

Colombia Roman Pena
Country: Colombia
Region: Huila, El Recreo
Farmer: Roman Pena
Processing: Washed
Variety: Caturra
Growing Altitude: 1650m

Brazil Fazenda Dona Nemen
Country: Brazil
Region: Minas Gerais
Farm: Fazenda Dona Nemen
Varieties: Catuaí, Catucaí, Yellow Bourbon
Processing: Pulped Natural
Growing Altitude: 1054-1068m
Certificates: UTZ, Rainforest Alliance

30 % India Robusta
Country: India
Variety: Robusta
Processing: Washed
Quality: Parchment AB



Jordan Wilson

Richly Chocolaty



KeaKoffee is a fresh roastery from Porvoo, Finland. The roastery is run by an originally Australian Jordan Wilson, who roasts the beans to his own taste and to be easily approachable. This coffee is the roaster’s show of skill of how an espresso blend can be more than just a sum of its parts at its best.

Colombia Roman Pena and Brazil Dona Nemen are coffees imported directly from the small farms, both of which have been previously enjoyed by our subscribers separately. This refined experience is balanced by the India Robusta Washed, which is among the fines of robusta beans. It affords the blend fullness and a slight increase in intensity that would otherwise be missing.

Source: KeaKoffee


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