" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #185 Record Coffee Company: Kavugangoma — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#185 Record Coffee Company: Kavugangoma

#185 Record Coffee Company: Kavugangoma
22.02.2022 Petro Hakkarainen

Dark chocolate・Red fruit・Light spiciness


Record Coffee Company

Roaster: Jesse Parkkali

Kavugangoma, which actually means the sound of the drums, originated from the location of the washing station which can be found on the hill of Kavugangoma. In Burundian tradition, all the drums were made out of trees called Umuvugangoma. When Burundi was still a Kingdom, this tree was planted and became sacred to the region. The Kavugangoma washing station is innovative and is one of the first to have many agroforestry and fruit trees surrounding it, in addition to the coffee plantations. The cherries are delivered to the washing station from the surrounding 18 hills.

Country: Burundi
Region: Muyinga
Farm: Kavugangoma washing station
Farmer: Richard Kaderi
Variety: Bourbon
Growing altitude: 1700m
Process: Washed

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