" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #169 Roger's Coffee: Slurp Brazil Dark — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#169 Roger’s Coffee: Slurp Brazil Dark

#169 Roger’s Coffee: Slurp Brazil Dark
13.07.2021 jusa.annevirta

Dark chocolate・ nutty・ hints of honey and orange

Slurp Brazil Dark

Roger’s Coffee

Roaster: Martins Kubulnieks

Founded in 2009, SMC was established to cater towards the ever growing demands of the speciality coffee market, by supplying fine, speciality and certified coffees. Based in Guaxupe, Maria Dirceia Mendes heads up the company and has done an excellent job growing the team of cuppers and office staff alike. They work closely with the 40 agronomists they employ to improve coffee quality. They have hosted the Cup of Excellence and off the back of this in 2019 they have finalised an internal program to reward excellence amongst their farmers and encourage them to grow higher quality coffees.

Country: Brazil
Region: Pocos Del Caldos
Farm: ProducerSMC – Comercial e Exportadora de Café S/A
Farmer: Several independent farmers working with SMC cooperative
Varieties: Catuai, Mundo Novo
Growing Altitude: 1200
Processing: Natural

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