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#144 Makea Coffee: Lounge

#144 Makea Coffee: Lounge
27.07.2020 Markus.ihamuotila

Dark chocolate・Molasses・Nuts


Makea Coffee

Roaster: Visa Tuovinen

Lounge presents the darkest roast level of Makea Coffee. We roast this coffee to Full city in 13,5 minutes. Coffee loses almost all of it’s acidity without being too roasty or bitter in flavors, more like soft and full bodied. It is excellent when brewed with filter coffee maker, tastes good with or without milk. Raw beans are a collection from 10 different farmers from the Huehuetenango region. We paid 200% of the market price as quality compensation. #apartyinyourmouth

Country: Guatemala
Region: Huehuetenango
Farm: Primavera Family smallholders
Farmer: Ten different smallholder farms
Varieties: Caturra, Catuai, Bourbon
Growing Altitude: 1400m-1650m
Processing: Washed


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