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#125 Lehmus Roastery: Mexico Coatapec

#125 Lehmus Roastery: Mexico Coatapec
04.11.2019 Maria Ariyo

Dark chocolate · Cocoa beans · Dark sugar

Mexico Coatapec

Lehmus Roastery

Roasted: 30/10/2019
Roaster: Jussi Tyrisevä

This dark espresso for Lehmus Roastery is from South-Mexico, where multiple smallholders in the Coatapec region deliver their coffee berries to the city washing stations.

The fertile soil with plenty of rain and cool nights create wonderful conditions for coffees with the chocolate and caramel notes that are typical to the area. The chocolate is dark, the acidity is low and you even get notes of ripe raisins while drinking this espresso.

Lehmus Roastery is a roastery from Lappeenranta, the Monaco of the East, that has been selected as Finland’s Best Roastery twice. We wish you brag-worthy coffee moments!

Country: Mexico
Region: Coatepec, Veracruz
Farm: Multiple Smallholders
Varieties: Bourbon, Typica, Caturra
Growing Altitude (MASL): 1000-2000m
Processing: Washed


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