" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #124 RPS Coffee Roasters: Finca La Esperanza — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#124 RPS Coffee Roasters: Finca La Esperanza

#124 RPS Coffee Roasters: Finca La Esperanza
21.10.2019 Maria Ariyo

Forest fruits · Dark chocolate · Orange

Finca La Esperanza

RPS Coffee Roasters

Roasted: 17/10/2019
Roaster: Jesse Parkkali

Traditionally in Guatemala, the farmers depulp, wash, ferment and dry the coffee cherries on their farms. After this, the coffee is delivered to a separate dry mill, where the parchment layer of the coffee beans is removed, and the coffee beans are sorted. Sorting is a major part of specialty coffee and part of the reason, the coffee price is higher. But luckily, we as consumers can invest in quality over quantity! This February we visited both the La Esperanza farm and the El Hato dry mill where this coffee was processed. We hope you enjoy!

Country: Guatemala
Region: Huehuetenango
Farm: Finca La Esperanza
Farmer: Francisco Morales
Varieties: Caturra, Catuai, Bourbon, Pache
Growing Altitude: 1700m
Processing: Washed


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