" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #116 Lehmus Roastery: Karjalan Pusu — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#116 Lehmus Roastery: Karjalan Pusu

#116 Lehmus Roastery: Karjalan Pusu
01.07.2019 Maria Ariyo

Caramel · Fruity · Roasty

Karjalan Pusu

Lehmus Roastery

Roasted: 24/06/2019
Roaster: Aki Loiri

Karjalan Pusu (The Karelian Kiss) is a special roast to Slurp customers by Lehmus Roastery.

This coffee is a dark roasted espresso from the Finca San Jose in El Salvador. The San Jose farm focuses on Bourbon and Pacas Arabica varieties, which are both quite typical to El Salvador.

The farm is located between two mountains in 1150 metres above sea level, where the plants grow in extremely fertile volcanic soil near the Guatemalan border. The coffee is farmed on an 80-hectare area.

The ripe coffee berries are peeled the same day they are harvested. After this, the coffee is fermented in water for 2 days. The process is tracked with Brix-indicators to follow the sugar content. The water temperature is also regulated to achieve optimal end results.

After the processing, the coffee is dried on raised beds for 12-15 days. During midday, when it is the hottest outside, the coffee is covered to keep the process as regular as possible. The end result is a sweet coffee with notes of toffee, citrus fruits and grapes.

Country: El Salvador
Region: Ataco
Farm: Hacienda Sonora
Farmer: N/A
Varieties: Bourbon, Pacas
Growing Altitude: 1150m
Processing: Semi-Washed


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