" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #75 FUKUSUKE COFFEE: Uganda Rwenzori Donkey Natural — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#75 FUKUSUKE COFFEE: Uganda Rwenzori Donkey Natural

#75 FUKUSUKE COFFEE: Uganda Rwenzori Donkey Natural
30.05.2024 tildamaria.turunen

Berry・Dark chocolate・Herbal

Uganda Rwenzori Donkey Natural


Roaster: Takuya Miura

Uganda is a country next to Kenya on the African continent known for its fruity coffee. This coffee was the base of Mr. Miura’s blend which won the “1st Crack Coffee challenge” competition. You will be surprised by its gorgeous berry-like aroma when first tasting it. By roasting it a little deeper, it has a sweet and fruity flavour, like chocolate. Uganda used to be a low-grade coffee producing area due to constant civil war. In recent years, however, the country has continued to improve its quality and produce excellent coffee. This lovely coffee is named “Donkey” because a donkey carries coffee cherries.

Country: Uganda
Region: Rwenzori Mountains National Park
Farm: Several estates
Farmer: Various smallholders
Varieties: SL14, SL28
Growing altitude: 1200-1800m
Process: Natural

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