" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #71 Ituka Coffee: Ecuador La Milanesa — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#71 Ituka Coffee: Ecuador La Milanesa

#71 Ituka Coffee: Ecuador La Milanesa
27.02.2024 tildamaria.turunen


Ecuador La Milanesa

Ituka Coffee

Roaster: Hiraku Kondo

Juicy orange and other citrus flavours. The acidity quality is apple-like, round, light and smooth. A sweet aftertaste lingers after drinking.

Country: Ecuador
Region: Pichincha
Farm: La Milanesa
Farmer: Hector Ponce
Variety: Typica
Growing altitude: 1350m
Process: Washed

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