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#247 Nordic Coffee Company: Midnight Blend

#247 Nordic Coffee Company: Midnight Blend
10.07.2024 tildamaria.turunen

Milk chocolate・Hazelnut・Stone fruit

Midnight Blend

Nordic Coffee Company

Roaster: Timo Virtanen

A very dark midnight blend from Central and South America. With a warm climate, soil enriched by volcanic ash, mountainous areas, and heavy rainfall, Costa Rica has the superior conditions required for growing the highest quality Arabica coffee beans around. Brazil produces about a third of the world’s coffee, making the country by far the world’s largest producer, but also Honduras is one of the leading producers of coffee in Central America thanks to efficient land use, government support, and passionate producers.

Country: Costa Rica, Honduras, Brazil
Region: Central Valley, Central Honduras, Central Brazil
Varieties: Bourbon, Jackson, Mibrizi, Mundo Novo, SL, Caturra, Catuai, Pacas, Typica
Growing altitude: 600-1900m
Process: Washed, Natural

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