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#244 Kahwe: Brazil Cerrado midnight

#244 Kahwe: Brazil Cerrado midnight
30.05.2024 tildamaria.turunen

Smoky・Chocolate mousse・Raw chocolate

Brazil Cerrado midnight


Roaster: Joel Marttala

Brazil is the world’s largest coffee-growing country, producing 30% of the world’s coffee, most of which is Arabica. One of Brazil’s most important coffee regions is Cerrado, in the south-west of Minas Gerais. The Cerrado is a vast tropical and subtropical area of forests, swamps and grasslands. The name Cerrado means ‘closed area’ in Finnish and remained so until the 1960s, when farmers began to work the soil. Over the years, the meadows were converted into agricultural and grazing land. The plantations are large, ranging from 100 to 3 000 hectares, and their production is enormous. The flat climate allows for extensive control at all levels of production.

Country: Brazil
Region: Minas Gerais
Farm: Several estates
Farmer: Various smallholders
Variety: Mundo Novo & Red Catuaí
Growing altitude: 900-1250m
Process: Natural

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