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#238 Kirjalan Paahtimo: Halo Beriti

#238 Kirjalan Paahtimo: Halo Beriti
07.03.2024 tildamaria.turunen

Apricot・Citrus tartness・Nutty toffee

Halo Beriti

Kirjalan Paahtimo

Roaster: Olli Siitari

Abyote Ageze and Mebrahtu Aynalem, the owners of the Boledu Coffee Growers’ Association, bring together top quality coffees from a number of smallholders in the region, for which they pay farmers above the market price, provided that the farmers produce consistent and ripe berries. To ensure quality, the Boledu producer community works with farmers for a long time, for example by training farmers before each harvest.

Country: Ethiopia
Region: Gedeb Worka, Yirgacheffe
Farm: Boledu
Farmer: Abyote Ageze ja Mebrahtu Aynalem
Variety: Heirloom
Growing altitude: 1950-2200m
Process: Fully washed

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