" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #236 Helsingin Kahvipaahtimo: Maailmanympärisekoitus — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#236 Helsingin Kahvipaahtimo: Maailmanympärisekoitus

#236 Helsingin Kahvipaahtimo: Maailmanympärisekoitus
08.02.2024 tildamaria.turunen



Helsingin Kahvipaahtimo

Roaster: Milla Auvinen

In this dark coffee, you can taste the chocolaty Brazilian flavours, Asian earthiness and even African sweetness. It depends on how you grind it, and what equipment you use to make it. This coffee consists of many blend coffees that include Brazil Cerrado, India Plantation, Indonesia Mandheeling and Ethiopia Sidamo. All coffees are regional blends, meaning they come from multiple farmers and contain multiple varieties. Even the processing varies from coffee to coffee – this coffee is not lacking in diversity and that is why its name translates to “a trip around the world”.

Country: Brazil, India, Indonesia, Ethiopia
Region: Cerrado, Sidamo, many others
Farm: Various estates
Farmer: Several farmers
Variety: –
Growing altitude: -m
Process: –

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