" lang="EN\"> " prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#"> #223 Kahiwa Coffee Roasters: Pacayalito Decaf — Coffee delivered home | www.slurp.coffee
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#223 Kahiwa Coffee Roasters: Pacayalito Decaf

#223 Kahiwa Coffee Roasters: Pacayalito Decaf
10.08.2023 tildamaria.turunen

Pear・Rooibos・Dried apricot

Pacayalito Decaf

Kahiwa Coffee Roasters

Roaster: Joonas Markkanen

In Swiss Water processing, caffeine is removed from coffee completely without chemicals. Caffeine is carefully dissolved in water from coffee beans to protect the coffee’s own taste. This Guatemalan coffee is the best decaf the people of Kahiwa have tasted in a long time! Maybe it’ll be your new favourite too?

Country: Guatemala
Region: Atitlan Town
Farm: –
Farmer: –
Varieties: Bourbon, Catuai, Caturra, Typica
Growing altitude: 1320-1600m
Process: Washed, Swiss Water Decaf

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